i need someone who can assist me to my homewok

Jawharah: Hi how are you ?

Client: I am great how are you?

Jawharah: Good ,I am Jawharah what is you name ?

Client: My name is Amande .

Jawharah: Nice to meet you Amand ,how was bring you today?

Client : will bring me in today I am will I can news to talk someone

about some relationship issue (mm) I am married (m) I

have been married for 10 years now and I and my husband

I have no children to gather and I have been necessary to

adoption and my husband does not want to adopt.

Jawharah: Why you want adopt children ? Do you have any disease or

some thing like that?

Client: (Mm) will I want to adopt because I am unable to have

children I am do infertility so the one reason I want adopt

and I now another couples who have adoption before and

I think jus (mm) the next best way to have children it is to


Jawharah:(mm) Have you ever visit hospital talk to about can you have

Children or no ?

Client: Yes I have been many doctors you now to treatment for my I

Infertility and is nothing has work nothing treatment has

work and I thing has really punch street I am my marriage

financial (mm) I am have go to some much the different

doctors and gotten three opinions and I thing the money

I spent you one the know we can use this money to just

adopt child next step foe me but my husband just very

like unwilling to take this step with me .

Jawharah: What the reason for husband the not adoption why ?

Client: Well he has really said why he does want adopt you know he

just always can talk about you know the children you know not

been really released to as by blood so what you know type

Issue came with all of that no this really matte to me just

because still Children I feel all the children deserve you know

A loving home and loving parents and I think that we good to a

child but even that he is souse tank I always wonder if you

know he does not want adopt because my husband does have

a child from previous marriage and you know to him is

different because he has a kids you know (mm) I don’t have

I never had children before and you know I thing just this issue

important to him because he like what I said he has a child

of course teenager now he is 16 years old but now that so

much different you know I want as to able to a race a child

together because my husband son you know he is never live

with us just came to visit and have ok relationship but in end

the day he still not mine biological son he is not my son I thing

just really call my own .

Jawharah: That your husband have children stay with you or with ex

Wife ?

Client: (mm) my husband son he lives with his mother so he is live

ex wife .

Jawharah: (mm) maybe this reason you need children . ok how is the

make feeling for you ?

Client: you make me feel like really really sad I am that my husband

does not want to shear experiment you know with me I am

because I just I always feel like you know my family to be

completed it is include children you know in the home so you

know if don’t have then my family is not complete you know

because we don’t have children and I do not he really

understand how important this is to my so.

Jawharah: And can you tell me why he is not want adoption ?

Client : Well I am not really sure he is reasoning (mm) most of the

time when I ask him about when I bring the staff for adopt

he said I don’t want adopt I just don’t I don’t think that be

good our family and plus he always that affect that you

know he ready have child which you know I decline you

you know his child own but I know end the day I just don’t

feel like this my child his son pervious marriage (mm) and

is have been involved I don’t have never had experience

been troth mother is that make any scenic but my husband

does not understanding just I feel he does not want

understand where I am come from .

Jawharah: You husband just think for his family if you he is afraid adopt

for children or just think for his family or not for you ?

Client: Well I don’t think that I don’t feel like my husband is taken

my feeling Consideration I mean I came from very large

large family

Jawharah(mm oh)

I do have a lot of sibling (mm)I have 6 other sibling all of 6

3 of them have you know have children and something that

to I said my husband you know he knows how important

family is to in my mind me and in my family is not husband

and wife like what I said we don’t have any kids in the home

my husband son he came to visit every one day but he does not

came visit a lot he is not all the time he normally came visit

during holiday something like that but I said before he is 16

you know he almost adult (mm) like I just don’t feel like MOM.

Jawharah: Can you tall me about relationship with husband in your


Client: Well like said before my husband and I would have been

marriage for about 10 years and I relationship is very good

(m) I was say the are time I feel like he is not support of

Jawharah( immm)

things I want to do but he know he can not he never miss

any big deal about thing such as you know about adoptions

(mm)but longest is just conversation about me and him and

doing thing is fun he is good our relationship is good and he

good as well that I can see because he does not talk who feel

live so I never know really now thing bather him what I can do

or things (mm)but like even before you know we marriage we

deadest before some years before we marriage like say he

just had divorce from first wife the he has child with and you

know in the beginning we really thing about children in this

time what ever I was purpose try to finish school I was in

college you know my husband older than me few years and

like say try to finish college so I did not thinks for kids in the

time because I have some another thing I want to do like (m)

and just time spent with my husband because I know the

children our the big responsibility but when did decided to stat

you know try have kids so whatever this on we can found it I

could not have children like I say very very very hard break that

I could not have children of my own and I thing kind of cost to

me become very very withdrew and you know almost I feel

depression the I could not have children you know because I

don’t know My husband get point were he did not married

any more because I could not have kids and I does not think

he does not Want have kids but since I can give birth any

children but his wife know have any more any kids is all

that can get from him so I feel like since start talk about this

whole adoption think is kind of punch street relationship

because he does not getting and just I feeling to try to getting

you know or try to understand where I came from .

Jawharah : (imm) did you try convince your husband for adoption

Many time ?

Client: Yahh I try convince him like serves time so (m) I try to I am

let him diffident Watch adoption video every time we watch

A movie the have story live { both them laugh) you know I try

make him watch movie with me just a lot of things I try to get

him to do (mm)but he just does not no work like I said I do

we do Have some friends that have adopted before I though

that made you know get him to change mind to about want

to adopt but it is really has feeling like just I don’t know I am

get no way to try convince him to adopt like I said long taking

about adoption or taking have children whatever he good we

don’t have complex of but soon if I bring idea adoption we

are argument and I am like fresh street day I don’t mind going

days do talk about that (client is laugh) I am until to find way

really worth you know was is important me and a good

marriage or find me to be mother I hope so.

Jawharah: Did you tell him about for example we live alone we need

some Children make the house happy did try this way ?

Client: Well I can to talk him little bit you know about have effect

have children In home feel I feel like family complete and

you know make me happy whatever but his thing you know

if I take nice tripe that make happy but my mind maybe

I have few days you know we have vacation coming home

tell empty house we know still not have children I still not

be happy you know was he is like to be I am not going to see

that I have a really horrible marriage I just feel like that

something missing you know I want to able to see that I feel

like something missing and you know I want him to able

comforts with me because I feel like am sorceries you know

marriage him when he ready have child you know so the big

sorceries for me I had deal another side of him you know

whole or Another part of him I never try to keep way from

his son relationship with his son so I a just feel like I should

give him same tip of respect and for him same tip sorceries for

me Because I don’t feel like this my fault you know the I can

have kids and this one things ever never put my self you know

I just feel like this way the get for to be the I could not have

children and that is it but I am not affect so supposed be

a mother because I know I supposed be a mother and some tip

of my way and I think just feel really like adoption this way a I go.

Jawharah: Ok I know this situation so what you thing discus this

solution this problem? Did you try your family talk with

husband about this situation you need adoption did you

try your family talk with husband for you ?

Client: I mm well I don’t want my family to get involute because a

lot of people do not even you now I want adopt you know

a lot of my family members that just thing you know I don’t

have children because we try to have children because we

focus or you know what ever stuff I want to really talk about

whole live and I don’t my family to have different I look I

guess or my husband I don’t want to see him a bad person

because he does not want adoption he does want do

something I want to do

Jawharah (I mmm )

so that biggest since I thing you know just I want to see him

a bad person and you know so I but another one reason

can this affect if I want to able to talk someone about this

issue that I having someone that be for me a mediator

and my husband someone can you help me help me to help my

husband see how important use to be a mother this way to

past to adoption like I just I want to be a mother .

Jawharah : Imm ok so ok I will meet your husband next week if you

mind and talk about this situation?

Client : Ok ok I can definably try get him in her I don’t tell him I

came this Day I mm but well you know talk him a bout

you know what I did speak with someone about and you know

hopeful get him to the next session and we can talk about it

together because I love my husband but I want my family be

complete .

Jawharah: Ok how feeling now when you speak with me can you

explant ?

Client : I mmm I get a lot of chance (both laugh) I get of chance to

I am looking for next to next week when bring and to see

get to some type of compromise.

Jawharah: OK thinks Amanda.

Client: Thank you .