Regression- Statistics

1 Journal Project Suggestion for Profits You should read through the given information. There is no additional information to be provided. First of all, run the single and multiple regression with the given data , see the paper titled “Journal Article Project Profits ”. You can use Microsoft Excel to do this. With the results you obtained from Questions 1 -4, you should be able to write an Abstract, Introduction, the Method you used, the Result you obtained and a Discussion. The background information yo u need will be clear to you when you run the regression for the data. You should focus on the results you obtained from running your regression models . You were advised on how to write your introduction, you should put a business context to it or write the value added by your work or what businesses can gain from the knowledge of the determinants of profits , describe your variables, then write your equation in estimating form, interpret your results and th en answer the questions asked by the teacher. Then, write your conclusion. **Make sure you put a business context to it or write the value added by your work or what businesses can gain from the knowledge of the determinants of happiness income benchmark ** 2 How to Submit Your Journal Due: Monday , July 3rd , 201 7 by 11:59 a.m. (Central Time)  You should save your file as “Lastname_Firstname_ ECO578_S ummer I201 7”  You can submit your work either as a PDF or WORD file (Make sure Only ONE file is submitted)  You can attach your Excel file as your appendix ( only ONE Excel file is allowed) *Only one Word or PDF file and one Excel file should be submitted in the drop box  Submit your file(s), Under “Journal Article ” in Dropbox