writing an introduction for proposal


Effective prevention and treatment of obesity

PSYC 3384


The topic of my proposal is effective prevention and treatments for obesity. Obesity is a preventable disease which is prevalent both to the young and elderly. This condition is caused by poor eating habits, unhealthy sleep and lack of enough physical activity. These causes of obesity apply both to elderly and young people can be mitigated through adopting healthy eating habits, healthy sleep and having enough physical activity (Lobstein, Baur & Uauy, 2004). My research question is, “To what extent does eating habits, healthy sleep and physical activity effectively prevent or treat obesity in elderly and young people”.


  1. You have to pick one of these independent variable, so it is either Eating habits or Physical activity.

  1. For the dependent variable, it is going to be weight loss.

For example if you chose eating habits, it is going to be like that…

You are going to have two groups which are young and elderly people, so you are going to see the relationship between these groups on the effectiveness to the weight loss and then compare the groups to see the changes and differences. It is going to be a nonexperimental research. Also, Identify the ages of the groups. For example for the elderly, let’s say 40 years and up and for the adults let’s say 18 years and up.

  1. The hypothesis. It is going to be the expectations.

In my proposal, I have four variables which include: eating habits, healthy sleep, physical activity and prevention and treatment effectiveness of these measures. The independent variables in this study are eating habits, healthy sleep and physical activity. Eating habits will be defined based on balanced diet of elderly and young people. Many people try different diets aiming at losing weight but they end up gaining weight. Gaining weight risks the health by putting stress on kidneys, heart and other body organs. For treatment of obesity using eating habit strategy, the patient should keep in touch with health professional who modifies your diet to meet your needs. Eating habits should maintain nutrition but reduce the calorie intake. Healthy sleep will be defined by the number of hours one is supposed to sleep per day. Short sleep or sleep loss contributes to obesity. It alters endocrine and metabolism. Short sleep contributes to obesity and this applies both to elderly and young people. Healthy sleep can be measured by number of hours the participants sleep. Physical activity will be defined based on the physical activities done daily. The frequency of physical activities done by the participants can be used to measure physical activity strategy. This strategy is a weight management program which is long-term. Daily physical activity helps in maintaining natural body weight. Physical activity can be done in terms of jogging or running, riding a bike, walking, swimming and other exercise activities. The dependent variable of this study will be effectiveness of prevention or treatment of these measures on obesity. This will be defined based on weight loss and BMI standards. Choose one of them.

There are other measures for prevention and treatment of obesity. These other measures include: weight-loss surgery, prescription weight loss medications and behavioral change. These strategies are not common. This study tries to focus on measuring the effectiveness of the three measures that is eating habits, healthy sleep and physical activity which are common for prevention and treatment of obesity in elderly and young people (World Health Organization, 2000).

My hypothesis would state that: eating habits, healthy sleep and physical activity will impact the prevalence of obesity among the elderly and young people. When the eating habits are done in a manner in which balanced diet is observed, the young and elderly people who suffer from obesity reduce their overweight to a natural weight. Their BMI is reads to the standard level. This shows effectiveness of this measure in treating obesity. The same case applies to healthy sleep and physical activity. The analysis of this data is done using ANOVA.


Lobstein, T., Baur, L., & Uauy, R. (2004). Obesity in children and young people: a crisis in public health. Obesity reviews, 5(s1), 4-85.

World Health Organization. (2000). Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic (No. 894). World Health Organization