Education final project...itructions listed with grading rubric attached

EDUC 304

Final Project Grading Rubric


SCORE: /122

Criteria for Content, Development, and Organization:

Points Possible

Points Earned

Classroom “Motto”: A brief saying that demonstrates the overall goals/ideals of your classroom. Corresponding Bible verse is stated and incorporated.

Philosophy: One-paragraph opening statement of your philosophy of classroom management. Your statement should:

  1. Include your basic teaching philosophy.

  2. Identify your proactive techniques for minimizing off-task behavior.

  3. Explain how you plan to reach students with differing needs.


Classroom Diversity: Class description includes:

  1. Type of school, grade level, number of students

  2. Types of diversities among your students

  3. Other relevant data that demonstrates the uniqueness of the students in your classroom.


Learning Styles: Explains how your classroom learning environment supports a diverse population. Discussion focuses on learning styles and explains how addressing such styles in your classroom will enhance student learning.


Room Arrangement: The arrangement of the classroom (student seating, furniture, learning centers, etc.) is identified and explained with a rationale of why this arrangement works best for this class. An example of your classroom arrangement is included.


Student Motivation: Actual motivational strategies are identified. A discussion of these strategies follows to explain how you will use them in the classroom to engage your students.


Classroom Procedures: Daily and weekly procedures are identified; how they will be used in the classroom is explained. Additional discussion demonstrates the way(s) you will teach the procedures to students.


Classroom Rules: 3–6 classroom rules are stated in a clear, concise, and positive manner.


Rewards And Consequences: Rewards and consequences are stated in the order in which they will be utilized, demonstrating that the least restrictive rewards and consequences should be utilized first. An example of your behavior contract is included.


Record Keeping: The record-keeping systems in your classroom are explained. An example of one of your records is included.


Parent Communication: Different ways you promote open communication with parents are discussed, and your system for ongoing communication with parents is explained. An example is included.


Suspension: There are two parts to this section:

  1. List the steps that your school follows prior to suspending a student.

  2. Include a brief discussion of your state’s laws for suspending a student.

Attachments: Copies of forms/examples are included. Other relevant information that expresses enthusiasm for the importance of classroom management should be presented here.

Criteria for Writing Mechanics and Readability:

Points Possible

Points Earned

APA format guidelines are followed. Includes a title page, an abstract, and 12 fully developed paragraphs/sections.


Ideas flow in a logical sequence; structure is clear and easy to follow.

Rules of grammar, word usage, punctuation, and spelling are correctly followed.

Sentences are well constructed; transitions direct the flow of thought.

Presence of grammatical errors does not disrupt content of paper.

The work is original, giving credit to borrowed ideas from course texts and other assignments.

Instructor’s Comments: