11 pages No later than Saturday 7PM PST

Week 8: Critique the Leadership and Strategy of Zuckerberg's Newark Public Schools Grant

All Required / Mandatory Resources Included in Attached Zip File.


In this case, what was established to create a model school system for the city ultimately did nothing to change the education landscape for the city. Determine what happened for these results to become reality. As you explore the leadership structure, players, challenges, and decisions, develop thoughts and opinions on the role of the leadership, the leadership structure, and the leadership strategy in this endeavor. Explain how it was potentially responsible, at least in large part, for its failure.

Then, critique the leadership elements of this case study from crisis and strategic management perspectives, incorporating everything you have learned about leadership theory in this course. Evaluate the current leadership practices, leadership traits, team leadership, and organizational elements in the case. All resources to support these are included in the zip folder.

Finally, if you were in the role of superintendent, identify the traits you would need to be successful. Explain what you would do differently.

Support your paper with minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

The following rubric applies to the grading of this Signature Assignment.

Grading Rubric



Content (20 points)


Developed thoughts and opinions on the role of the leadership, the leadership structure, and the leadership strategy.  Explained how it could be potentially responsible, at least in large part, for failure of a strategic endeavor.

Critiqued the leadership elements of this case study from crisis and strategic management perspectives.

Evaluated the current leadership practices, leadership traits, team leadership, and organizational elements in the case.

Identified traits needed to be successful in a leadership role.


Organization (5 points)


Organized and presented in a clear manner. Included a minimum of five scholarly references, with appropriate APA formatting applied to citations and paraphrasing; 10-12 pages in length.



All Required / Mandatory Resources Included in Attached Zip File.