Short Paper: Emerging Technologies

Unit 8 [CJ499: Bachelors Capstone in Criminal Justice ] Unit 8 : Short Paper: Emerging Technologies W ith the advent of various technological advancements, law enf orcement eff orts in the investigation and prosecution of crime have been met with positive results. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantag e. Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and use the same advancements that law enf orcement employs during the commission of their crimes, or as a tool f or their crimes (this is evidenced in computer -related offenses and the misuse of the I nternet). In a 3 – 4 page paper (excluding title and ref erence pages), address the f ollowing areas in full detail: summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations, summarize the disadvantages to law enf o rcement with respect to the advancements of computers, research a case where the computer was used to aid in the commission of a crime, research a case where the use of the computer was beneficial to the prosecution in a criminal case, and provide a final conclusion/paragraph that addresses your subjective opinion as to whether these technologies, in an overall sense, are of benefit or a hindrance to law enf orcement efforts. Student Checklist: Unit 8 Short Paper Criteria: Ask yourself the following questio ns. Not Yet Yes Purpose Did you identify all of the f ollowing as it relates to emerging technologies: 1. The advantages of computers/software in investigations, 2. Any disadvantages computers/software have on law enf orcement, 3. How computers/software programs have been used as tools f or criminal enterprise, and 4. How computers/software programs have been beneficial to the prosecution in a criminal case? Did you describe and provide examples of all of the f ollowing as it relates to emerging technolo gies: 1. The advantages of computers/software in investigations, 2. Any disadvantages computers/software have on law enf orcement, 3. How computers/software programs have been used as tools for criminal enterprise, and 4. How computers/software programs hav e been benef icial to the prosecution in a criminal case? Did you cite your sources? Did you research a case as directed in the Assignment’s instructions? Unit 8 [CJ499: Bachelors Capstone in Criminal Justice ] Conclusion/Critique Did you state the findings of the paper concisely? Did you support or oppose your position with insightful analysis? Did you answer all the questions in a substantive manner? Content Is your content accurate ? Is your content persuasive? Is your content comprehensive enough to address the topic? Format Did you prepare your paper as a MS Word Document ? Did you name your file correctly? Did you use APA f ormat to cite your sources? Did you check your document f or spelling? Did you check your paper f or grammatical errors? Is your paper the co rrect length ? You may consult the Kaplan Online Library, the Internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style. Directions for Submitting Your Short Paper W rite your Short Paper in a W ord document and save it with a name you will remember. Be sure to include your name, class, and section number in your Paper. Submit your paper to the Dropbox by the end of this unit in the basket titled: Unit 8: Short Paper: Emerg ing Technologies.