week 4 seminar posting and research assignments civil rights

Websearch (50 point value)

Type of assignment: Websearch (50 point value)

Now that you have read chapters 13 & 14 please surf the web and find three websites on Civil Rights. Prepare a brief report on each and submit them as one assignment as A4.

Your written evaluation should include the following. (evaluation guide from Pierce college library).

What is the exact URL? (2 points) I have to be able to find it to grade it.

Who is the author? (2 points) If you can't determine who is the author or the publisher, it is not source to be used. Find another.

Is it biased? (2 points) Websites that deal with political or social issues are often one-sided and have a bias. The bias does not mean that it's bad; however, it's up to you to see if their point of view is effectively argued and has research to back it up. It's also up to you to find the opposing view for balance.

Is it accurate? (2 points) Again, look at the claims that are being made and see if there is research to back up their claims. Be wary of websites that make claims that seem to contradict everything else that you found. 

When was it published? (2 points) If you're researching a current topic but the website hasn't been updated in 10 years, or no date is given, pass on it.

How is the site organized? (3 points) Briefly describe the organization of the site such as what tabs are provided and what is the subject matter, how is it arranged.

What kind of information is provided? (3 points) Briefly describe the content of the site. What material is provided - just text, video, articles, links. How comprehensive is it? 

16 points per site X 3 = 51 total points

Word process your answer in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) document. Content, organization, grammar, spelling and punctuation are important. Each essay should have an introduction and a clear thesis statement followed by four supporting paragraphs. Each paragraph should include a topic sentence followed by subordinate sentences which support the main idea. Document all sources even the text. Use MLA style parenthical notation with in the text and Works Consulted at the end of your assignment. Proof read and spell check. Save your assignments as Word documents (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Files (.rtf) - nothing else! Proof read and spell check. Submit your essay as an attachment through ASSIGNMENT folder online. Please do not paste it into the submission box (it loses its formatting).