this is information system data analysis excel work


Excellent (10)

Good (8)

Fair (6)

Inadequate (4)

Use of software tool (10%)

Use Excel to calculate values, sort results

Evidence shows mastery of the software with all appropriate features used. All Fields used in decision used Excel formulas to do calculations and formula use was appropriate.

Most appropriate features of the software have been employed. Most Fields used in decision used Excel formulas to do calculations and formula use was appropriate.

Use of the software tool is rudimentary. A few Fields used in decision used Excel formulas to do calculations and formula use was inappropriate.

Capabilities of the software have not been adequately utilized. Formulas not used for calculations and/or used incorrectly

Data Display (10%)

Use Excel graphs and charts to present findings

Includes appropriate, well-labeled, accurate displays (graphs and/or tables) of the data.

Includes appropriate, accurate displays of the data.

Includes appropriate but not accurate displays of the data.

Does not include appropriate displays of the data.


Excellent (20)

Good (16)

Fair (12)

Inadequate (8)

Analysis Procedure (20%)

Analysis of the data is accurate, thorough, and appropriate.

Analysis of the data is appropriate, mostly accurate, and fairly thorough.

Analysis of the data is appropriate, but only somewhat accurate and thorough.

Analysis of the data is not appropriate or is missing.

Data Analysis

Conclusion (20%)

Conclusion includes a clear answer to the statistical question that is consistent with the data analysis and the method of data collection.

Conclusion includes an answer to the statistical question that is consistent with the data analysis but not with the data collection method.

Conclusion does not include an answer to the statistical question that is consistent with the data analysis.

No conclusion is presented.

Recommended Actions (20%)

Recommendations are consistent with the chapter material and are backed up by the analysis results.

Some chapter topics are related in the recommendations with some support from the analysis.

The recommendations have little connection to the chapter topic and have little support from the analysis.

Recommendations are unrelated to chapter topics or has minimal relation to the analysis.

Decision Approach (20%)

Approach must be described and explained in writing in a Word Doc or in the Excel Spreasheet.

Gives a good overall picture of the decision process taken —logical, well thought out, steps taken were focused and made sense.

Gives a good overall picture of the decision process taken —logical, well thought out, steps taken were focused and made sense, but was weak in one of these areas.

Overall picture of the decision process was presented but contained gaps in demonstrating or explaining.

No evidence of a decision process was presented

The rubric is designed to yield a total score of 100 for a perfect assignment.