need powerpoint presentation on High School Systems Support Program Componets

Instructions and Rubric for High School Parent/Teacher Presentation

(Systems Support Programming)

This is an individual assignment. Class instruction during the intensive will aid students in preparing for this assignment. Students create a PowerPoint that orients parents/teachers to a comprehensive school counseling program and demonstrates how a data-supported transition program fits within the framework of a comprehensive school counseling program (ASCA Model). Students will include lecture notes in each slide (please seek assistance from the university technology department/writing center or use an online tutorial if you do not know how to add presentation notes to your PowerPoint slides). The transitioning program will begin in 9th grade, promoting a successful transition from middle school to high school and potentially a successful transition to post-secondary career option.

There is no required number of slides; cover all rubric components sufficiently. Each slide will have a heading that is IDENTICAL to the rubric component headings in title and sequence. For example, after a “title” slide, your first slide will be “Orientation to a Comprehensive School Counseling Program”. You may have several slides with this title in order to cover all rubric elements for that component. Your next set of slides will be titledTransitioning Program”, and so on. Following the rubric components as your slide titles helps to ensure that you stay focused on the rubric and what is being requested for the assignment. It also aids your instructor in locating the information to ensure it has been covered and you receive credit for covering the required assignment elements. The only information under each heading is the responses and required information as outlined in the rubric. The instructor will follow this rubric for grading.

Please submit the assignment by the deadline noted on the Course Schedule.

Rubric for High School Parent/Teacher Program

High School Systems Support Program Components
(Be sure to address the questions/comments for each component)


Component #1: Orientation to a Comprehensive School Counseling Program

  • Describe to the audience a comprehensive school counseling program in accordance with the ASCA National Model.


Component #2: Transitioning Program and the ASCA Model Framework

  • Review a state or school division report card on the Internet and identify one gap you would like to address with your transition program (e.g., poor attendance, high drop-out rates, low academic achievement, high suspensions/discipline rates). Cite your report card source.

  • Identify how a transition program may help to close this gap. For example, what might research say about how a successful transition program enhances student attendance? reduces drop-out rates? Improves academic achievement? Support your response with one peer-reviewed journal article, preferably from ASCA’s Professional School Counselor.

  • Identify how the transitioning program you are planning will fit into the ASCA National Model under each of these system components:

1) Foundation

2) Delivery

3) Management

4) Accountability.

  • Describe the functions of collaboration and consultation with stakeholders in coordinating the program activities and removing obstacles to program success.

  • What does Define “peer-reviewed” journal article and how you find them. If you do not know what a peer reviewed journal article is, please contact the library, writing center, or use the Internet as a resource (cite your source). If you do not know how to conduct research (e.g., identify databases for journal article, use the stacks in the Library), please contact Liberty’s librarians or writing center for assistance.


Component #3: Program Evaluation

  • Identify one outcome and one perception data source to be used to measure the effectiveness of the program.


Use correct grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, APA Style for citations and references (references are included on the final slide titled “References”). Please seek the assistance of Liberty’s writing center as needed. Student includes lecture notes in the PowerPoint. These notes will be grammatically correct and in complete sentences to that the reader can follow along with exactly what the school counselor would be saying to the audience.

