case study

Running Head: ABBREVIATED TITLE ALL IN CAPS (50 characters max) 0

Signature Assignment:

Your full, complete title here

Your Name

West Coast University


In this section, place all of the information given in the case study, including the table of lab findings. You do not have to rewrite the case study in your own words here – you may copy and paste directly from Blackboard (make sure you use proper formatting for spacing and font!). The abstract must be on a separate page.

Full title here: Write your full, complete title here using proper APA format

For your submission, you must write in essay form, but you can separate your paper into multiple paragraphs based on each question. For example:

What clinical findings correlate with M.K.’s chronic bronchitis?

Here, you can answer each question from the case study in essay/paragraph form. Make sure you completely answer the question, and that you provide IN TEXT CITATIONS IN PROPER APA FORMAT to support your conclusions. Improper or absent citations is considered to be plagiarism and may result in a grade of “0” for your signature assignment.

Use as many paragraphs and pages that you need to completely answer the question. You should have at LEAST 4-5 pages of text for your assignment NOT INCLUDING title page, abstract, or references.

Continue answering each question provided in the case study

It is essential that you use the rubric to construct your answers to each question and to make sure you are following proper style, format, margins, spacing, font, and referencing requirements.


Put all of your references for your in-text citations here and start a new page. Again, make sure you are following APA format, and that you use both print and online sources – don’t forget your textbook is a reference!