Diet analysis for nutrition c;ass

Instructions to navigate Choosemyplate gov

  1. From the first page, scroll down to “Check out our online tools”.

  2. You will see Supertracker as one of the options. Click on it.

  3. You will be taken to the Super Tracker page. At this time please create a Profile. It is located on the top right corner.

  4. Complete the profile. It is free. Submit it. Please remember your username and password.

  5. The next step is to click on FOOD TRACKER. This is where you will input the food consumed.

  6. On the food tracker page, type in the food (center of the page)

For example: orange juice. You will see a drop box with several options. Please select one. Once selected the food item it is transferred to the bottom to the left. You will need to select the amount (number and size) and the meal time eaten.

Once selection is made click on ADD.

You will notice that once you click on ADD it is transferred to the next column under the meal. At that time you will see caloric value of the food.

  1. Continue this process until you completely enter all the food eaten in one day.

  2. When it is completed, proceed to top of the page for the dark blue line that says HOME, etc. Look for My REPORTS. Click on it. The drop box list several subtitles. You will select Nutrient Reports.

  3. On the nutrient reports page enter the date you entered the food into FOOD TRACKER. (It is recommended to download the nutrient report the same day you entered the information into Food Tracker). Once the date is entered click on CREATE REPORT.

  4. The report will be created. You can download the report as a Word, Excel or PDF. This information is found on the top right corner. It is recommended to select Word format so that you can save it. You need three separate nutrient reports- one for each day.