Part 3 Comprehensive Health Care Organization Communication and Marketing Plan Completion

15.0 % Health Care Organization Profile 1) Name and type of healthcare organization 2) Mission, vision, goals 3) Bed number, volumes 4) Types of services provided 5) Quality indicators 6) Financial performance indicators 7) Human resource challenges 8) Diversity issues 9) Community population statistics 10) Additional information

Does not create a profile of the health care organization.

Creates a healthcare organization, but is missing several essential components necessary for a health care organization as outlined by the project criteria.

Creates a realistic healthcare organization by developing mission, vision, and goals and essential components of a healthcare organization as outlined by the project criteria.

Creates a realistic healthcare organization by developing mission, vision, and goals and essential components of a healthcare organization as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria.

Creates a realistic healthcare organization by developing mission, vision, and goals and essential components of a healthcare organization as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria and organizational characteristics are innovative yet practical and detailed. Improved organization profile based upon feedback provided from instructor via first submittal of this part of the project.

30.0 % Communication Plan 1) Types of internal and external communication networks 2) Stakeholder Analysis 3) Media methods 4) Tag lines, logos, photos, etc. 5) Letterhead, newsletters, etc.

Did not develop a communication plan for the health care organization.

Develops a communication plan for communicating within the organization, but plan is missing several essential components necessary for a communication plan as outlined by the project criteria.

Develops a comprehensive communication plan for communicating with internal and external stakeholders as outlined by the project criteria.

Develops a comprehensive communication plan for communicating with internal and external stakeholders as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria.

Develops a comprehensive communication plan for communicating with internal and external stakeholders as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria and plan is innovative yet practical and detailed.

30.0 % Marketing Plan 1) Internal Environmental Analysis 2) Strategic Choice and Strategic Goals 3) SWOT Analysis 4) How will marketing initiatives involve cross functional team members? 5) How and when will marketing strategies be evaluated?

Does not develop a marketing plan for the health care organization.

Develops a marketing plan as outlined by the project criteria, but plan is missing several essential components necessary for a marketing plan as outlined by the project criteria.

Develops a comprehensive marketing plan as outlined by the project criteria.

Develops a comprehensive marketing plan as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria.

Develops a comprehensive marketing plan as outlined by the project criteria. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria and plan is innovative yet practical and detailed.

20.0 % Community Outreach Plan 1) What methods will be used to engage and involve community members in the accomplishment of your organization's goals? 2) How will community diversity issues be addressed?

Does not develop a community outreach plan for the health care organization.

Develops a community outreach plan as outlined by the project criteria, but plan fails to consider population and community characteristics.

Develops a comprehensive community outreach plan as outlined by the project criteria. Plan is thoughtful and has considered population and community characteristics.

Develops a comprehensive community outreach plan as outlined by the project criteria. Plan is thoughtful and has considered population and community characteristics. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria

Develops a comprehensive community outreach plan as outlined by the project criteria. Plan is thoughtful and has considered population and community characteristics. Includes additional information beyond the required criteria and plan is innovative yet practical and detailed.

5.0 %Organization and Effectiveness


5.0 % Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are employed.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Audience-appropriate language is employed.

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech.

The writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English.

100 % Total Weightage