History Midterm

Watching guide for the BBC movie Nubia, narrated by Gus Casely-Hayford

Key terms (not in order of appearance), Kerma, Jebel Barkal, Nubia, Egypt, cattle, Amun, pyramids, iron, the role of the environment, camels, well technology, wrestling, definitions of wealth, the relationship between cattle and kingship, cattle skulls.

Things to watch for and take notes in this movie (which could be on a test):

Complex and changing relationship between Nubia and Egypt

Relationships between local religions and later religions like Islam.

Role of Cattle

Relationship between past and present in this region

Definitions of greatness, civilization and barbarity used by Gus Casely-Hayford.

What evidence does the movie show to support claims/conclusions?

What visual aspects of the movie teach you, what suprises you in the film?

Compare Gus Casely-Hayford with John Green.

Extra Credit: What do you make of the scene of Gus wrestling?