Appealing for action using Rhetorical Strategies.


Somalia is at the point of no return.

July 02, 2017.

Annotated Bibliography:

Alvar, J., Vélez, I. D., Bern, C., Herrero, M., Desjeux, P., Cano, J., & WHO Leishmaniasis

Control Team. (2012). Leishmaniasis worldwide and global estimates of its

incidence. PloS one, 7(5), e35671. DOI 10.1371/journal.

This article assesses leishmaniases case data for the last five years and other important

data on how to treat them. It covers data cases from 98 countries. In their assessment, it has been

identified that leishmaniasis is a major cause of poverty, other opportunistic diseases, death and

deforestation. Deforestation by itself causes loss of rainfall and water catchment areas, which

leads to drought that causes famine. Poverty and death of individuals in the working age leads to

poor farming and production, which then causes famine. Frequent attacks by diseases caused by leishmanial causes poor production of Industrial as well as farm productive as farm produce, which definitely will lead to famine. As such, this article causes of famine Somalia.

270 million have 1 billion children live in poverty (1in2 children in the world). 640 million live and wit adequate shelter 400 million have one access to safe water, no access to let services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per) (Hill, S, Bailey, R 2013).

Murray, C. J., Laakso, T., Shibuya, K., Hill, K., & Lopez, A. D. (2007). Can we achieve Millennium Development Goal 4? New analysis of country trends and forecasts of under-5 mortality to 2015. The Lancet, 370(9592), 1040-1054.

This journal article indicates that Somalia is one of the leading countries in terms of fatalities caused by hunger. It argues that although the global fatality rates has reduced greatly, Somalia and other parts of sub sahara africa still exhibit high rates of fatality, especially from famine. It then calls upon the international community to rise and put in place measures that could help to further reduce cases of famine, thus preventing fatalities. This is part of the millenium development goals that need to be pursued in order to ensure quity across the world. There is need for humanitarian organizations, the United Nations, other international organizations and governments to come together and help suffering humans in Somalia. In light of this, it is clear that this article is vital in completing this assignment. 270 million have 1 billion children live in poverty (1in2 children in the world). 640 million live and wit adequate shelter 400 million have one access to safe water, no access to let services. 10.6 million died in

2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per) (Ford, L).

Seal, A., & Bailey, R. (2013). The 2011 Famine in Somalia: lessons learnt from a failed response? National Center for Biotechnology Information.Conflict and Health 2013 published 30/10/2013

This is another valuable article for this research. It highlights the war in the Southern Patrt of the country as the main cause of the famine in Somalia. It insists that the major participants in the war are the group Alshabab with some international governments, non-state actors and regional actors are the main causes of the continued famine situation in Somalia. These participants usually loot and destroy property, which only causes more problems to Somalia. Destruction of agricultural produce then becomes a major cause of the famine. It also highlights failure of effective and fast response to aid the afflicted people as another major cause of the famine situation. The war prevents safe delivery of food to the afflicted individuals, which leads to extereme famine conditions.

Unfortunately, after an extensive reach I saddens me to realia the every author is every article is referring to eliminate radicals and to destroy them complete. (Schnauzer, j 2002)

Shukla, A. (2014). Drought + Politics = Famine In Somalia. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 1104-1110.

This article outlines the physical as well as the human related factors that lead to famine in Somalia. It also gives detailed recommendations at the end of the paper on what should be done to remedy the situation and prevent famine situation in Somalia in future. The paper gives politics as the leading human related factor, which has led to bombings and war in most areas of Somalia. These disruptions prevent production, thus leading to famine. Among the natural factors discussed in the article, include drought and bad weather. The article also discusses the impacts of drought on Somalia and gives the best mechanisms and strategies that can be used to combat this problem. In general, it is clear that this article has valuable information that can be used in the completion of this research.


Somalia is faced with hanger calamity and the drug activity has contributed to hunger and drought. if the terrorist activity is not curved to the set the will they Wilostlikely there will be much more suturing.

First Claim: To strengthen the government authority so they can take control of their sites and try to implement their exposure and dedication.

They had started delivering to Somalia much needed food items. They have 30000 volunteers, have provided 630000 pounds of rice, and 6 million meals already (Berea, S. 2017)

2Evidence. The United nations have established and office for the consumption oh human affairs,

There were clothes being delivered and many people were gather around the ocher try and where very excited.

(OCHA, 2017)

Second Claim: To bring an end to the food, menace donors and world organization should channel funds to Somalia, in order that the government can to establish system.

CLAIM Somalia has been going through A Heaney ready has tumor and disrupt of their working, on to of that level issues will dry the. Today ore than Half of the population. Starvation is causing a great number of guest.

I have to provide my opinion as a claim perhaps, Countries like Somali don’t want and need influence for them and their lifestyle specially if advise is coming from a person while do I succumb has father reel Muslins. Your way to lie it protesters the as, protected.

Groups that created the Al-Shabaab and others like us are actually a majority in the I we are able ya work a deal with the terrorist groups to put dow your are we will have seen the sets in the prime and town to rules over. Then That the only way they will work from political attitude and they cant diesis on the own unless it unani


OCHA, (2017) Humaitarians listen more to communityneeds in drought response. Retrieved on 7-12-17 from:

Ford, L (2012) Somalia famine in 2010-12 'worst in past 25 years'. Retrieved on 7/3/17 from:

Shanzer, J, (2002) We are at war with whom. Retrieved on 07/31/17 from:


(Hill, S, Bailey, R . (2013). The 2011 Famine in Somalia: lessons learnt from a failed response? Retrieved on 07-02-25 from: