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Part One: Annotated Bibliography


Summary and Applicability to Your Project

Additional Notes

Carducci, B. J. (2006). The psychology of personality.Oxford: Blackwell.

The book explains how personality psychology is part of the field of psychology that deals with the study of personality combined with the variations that exist among individuals. Carducci explains that its point of focus involves the construction of a picture that is of an individual combined with the key psychological processes. By reading the book, one effectively understands the key aspects of personality psychology together with its important to a learner. The book elucidates the relevance of understanding key concepts that need to be involved while attempting to differentiate key psychological differences among an individual.

The book provides a better insight on personality psychology

Tennen, H. A., Suls, J. M., & Weiner, Irving. (2012). Handbook of Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology.Wiley.

Tennen and Weiner explains how the relevance of psychology in the field of academics. He takes a clinical steps of explaining its relevance top various academic scholars considering the fact that there are various factors that needs to be broadly understood. He quickly points out to the relevance of the field to understanding the manner in which human beings are expected to behave and carry out their daily activities. The book covers up critical aspect of personality psychology that needs to be broadly evaluated based on the fact that there are some key aspects that needs to be properly understood in the whole topic of personality psychology.

The book gives out the key features of personality psychology

Rudman, L. A. (2011). Implicit measures for social and personality psychology. London: Sage Publications.

Laurie is keen at pointing out the important concepts in personality psychology. The book combines the critical points of social and behavioral scientist to come up with a precise explanation on the main topics. The ability of the author to properly elucidate the main points is a key fact that creates interest in the book. by reading the book, the reader understands the vital psychology constructs that are needed in the creation of beliefs and feelings among most individual . This is a key point of the personality psychology that the book is keen at pointing out. The book also explains the measures taken in order to understand the features of personality psychology.

A proper explanation is given to the topic

Staats, W. W. (2011). Behavior and Personality: Psychological Behaviorism.New York: Springer Pub.Co.

Walter is keen at combining the critical aspect of psychology to bring out the key points in the book. The book contains a detailed research done on personality psychology for a period of forty years. This effectively explains the ability of the author to interrelate the key facts and the main points in the research. The study involved insights in various directions of the future that education experts need to take. It combines various theories of personality psychology that needs to be understood in a broader perspective considering the fact that there are some key issues involved in the topic of discussion.

The book explains all the important factors that lead to personality psychology

Twenge, J. (2016). Personality psychology: Understanding yourself and others, books a la carte edition. Place of publication not identified: Prentice Hall.

Jean is keen at pointing out the modern approaches that can be used to understand personality psychology. This important aspect involves the use of proper ideologies in an effort to contemplate on the key points involved in the study. He combines various social aspects in order to clearly explain the main points involved in the topic of discussion. This is a key factor that creates interest in the field of study. By reading the book, the reader is able to understand the key aspect of psychology in a broader perspective considering the fact that there are some important factors to put in consideration.

It helps a person to understand the factors that lead to different behaviors among individuals.

Ashton, M. C. (2013). Individual differences and personality. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

The book attempts to explore the individual aspects of psychology in a broader perspective. the author tries to explain how people’s personalities differ from time to time. This is a key aspect of the book that sparks the general interest in a learner. This is considering the fact that there are various aspects of learning that needs to be broadly understood before creating a reliable line of understanding the topics. Ideally, the author is keen at ensuring the main points are properly arranged for the reader to gain a better understanding on the topic that is on discussion.

The author explains the factors that leads to different behaviors among individuals.

PartTwo: Theory Chart

Theory Related to Final Project

Key Concepts

Historical Context and Historical Figures

Validity and Accuracy

Applicability of Theory Today

Connection to Final Project


Each person grows in a sub culture that existed before his or her birth.

The theory applies to the manner in which we carry out our daily activities and the manner that we relate with each other in the society

It applies to the manner in which we communicate and practice our cultures

It elucidates the differences in personality traits.


The family structure and genetics affects the manner that we think and behave in our current society.

The theory clearly explains the character traits of individuals that would be based on the family or genetics

It applies to the different perceptions and reactions that people may have when subjected to a specific activity or event.

The clearly explains why each person has different characteristics.


The tendency of natural conservatism exists in our mind

Humans have the tendency of repeating the actions and activities that have been successful in the past.

It explains why people have the tendency of repeating past events

It elucidates why people imitate other characteristics that other individuals have in possession


The relevance of freewill is clearly explained

It gives the broader elucidation why freewill is important in the society as it facilitates the development of personality among individuals.

It applies in situations where there is necessity to grant people freewill

It explains the involuntary nature of humans


The characters of individuals in relation to the surrounding environment

The environment plays a key role in influencing the behavior of people.

Environment has a key influence on the manner we behave on daily basis

It explains the similarity and differences in personalities among people.