Humanities reaction essay

Reflection Essay,

Choose a Renaissance or Baroque painting you have seen in class and that has particularly intrigued you.

Write a 5-page essay MLA

0. A front-page (which does NOT count as a page of the essay) which contains an image of the painting you have selected (preferably in color) and your name, class and date. [5]

1. A short introduction [5]

Why did you choose this painting? Who is the painter, when did he live, where and for whom did he work? Give a short outline of your paper, tell how you are going to proceed.

2. A descriptive part [10]

Describe carefully and in detail the painting; what do you see? Do not interpret too quickly!

3. An interpretative part [10]

Interpret the painting; if you use insights of scholars always use quotation marks and mention in footnote the article or book of that particular scholar.

4. A contextualizing part [10]

Put the painting in the context of its time: religious, political, cultural situation and explain or highlight connections.

5. A conclusion [5]

End your essay with a conclusion that naturally ‘flows’ from your description and your interpretative and contextualizing explorations.

Do not use subtitles