Simple Gap description


Research of Personnel Psychology

Tonia Joseph-Armstrong

Class – IPSY 8754

Professor – David Mohr

Summer Term

Gaps in the Research of Personnel Psychology 

There are many conflicting results of the gaps that are encountered in the research of personnel psychology in so that the analysts overemphasize the areas of practice in expert execution in regard to many variable factors which are involved; for example, ability and critical developmental periods (Dwyer, Graham, Kratochwill, Lucariello, McCombs, Rimm-Kaufman, & Subotnik, 2010). The entertainment reporter job involves reporting of news about the latest emerging trends in a manner, which appeals to a specific target yet public audience; however, this depends on topic of interest. Researchers have discovered that the societal factor has the strongest impact on the journalistic views and what impact the media hold for that audience; this therefore, places the organizational factor, as having a significantly weak impact (Zhu, Weaver, Lo, Chen, & Wu, 1997).

The Proposed Topic of Interest at this time is the Influence Media has on Society

Less than half of the researched journalists had an opinion that the media presence is important to the public. Studies in various countries determined that journalists impact or influences the public opinion and that it may be significantly more than the researched data output. Such discoveries demonstrate that the impact is still somewhat unclear (Deuze, 2002). Bonfadelli, (2002) suggested that “since knowledge gaps tend to decrease if mass media information on a given topic discontinues” (p. 67). This further provides further conflicts in the research that the public relies on the media suggestions and reports than the data shows.

How does the Position of the Entertainment Reporter or Journalist relate to Job Analysis, Competency Models, Training and Development, or Selection?

Through numerous research, and interviews it was determined that through a wide range of connections considered between the identifying the issues related to popular culture and infotainment on the one hand, and journalism on the other. These connections were conceptualized as having conflicting data as to the actual work definition of media personnel; therefore, these journalists have to constantly provide the varying components of their position depending on the field which they are currently working in and what they can bring to the organization (Deuze, 2005). In other word, what asset their presence or employment can best serve the company financially, and what added edge are the bringing to the company.

This will bring their qualifications as good Entertainment Reporter into question; this entails the extent of their knowledge education, and their experience in the specific job position. Based on this requirement their skills, their ability to work under various conditions and their ability to work in a team and as an individual are considered as part of their employability (Deuze, 2002). Therefore, reporters who are inexperienced require “ongoing coaching and mentoring on their jobs expectations in order to enable them to properly perform their newsroom tasks” (Steyn, De Beer, & Steyn, 2005). To ensure that the can market themselves in the everchanging job market and build credibility in this area of employment and be able to work well and effectively.


Bonfadelli, H. (2002). The Internet and knowledge gaps a theoretical and empirical investigation. European Journal of communication17(1), 65-84.

Deuze, M. (2005). Popular journalism and professional ideology: tabloid reporters and editors speak out. Media, Culture & Society27(6), 861-882.

Deuze, M. (2002). National news cultures: A comparison of Dutch, German, British, Australian, and US journalists. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly79(1), 134-149.

Dwyer, C., Graham, S., Kratochwill, T., Lucariello, J., McCombs, B., Rimm-Kaufman, S., ... & Subotnik, R. F. (2010). Applications of Psychological Science to Teaching and Learning: Gaps in the Literature.

Steyn, E., De Beer, A. S., & Steyn, T. F. J. (2005). Sanef Skills Audit Phase 2: Managerial competencies among first-line news managers in South Africa’s mainstream media newsrooms. Final report, May.

Zhu, J. H., Weaver, D., Lo, V. H., Chen, C., & Wu, W. (1997). Individual, organizational, and societal influences on media role perceptions: A comparative study of journalists in China, Taiwan, and the United States. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly74(1), 84-96.