Portfolio Milestone Team Performance and Productivity


Team Performance and Productivity

Mary Heather Pruitt

HRM425 – Managing and Leading Team Dynamics

Colorado State University – Global Campus

Dr. Nicole Harris

June 14, 2017

Team Performance and Productivity

The workplace faces major challenges that affect the ability of the employees to meet their goals and objectives as desired by the organization. It is for this reason that the organization I work for assigned a task force that was aimed at looking into the challenges and issues that the employees are facing from both within as well as from outside the organization with the aim of improving the productivity of all the employees as a whole. The team was tasked with the responsibility of identifying, evaluating and analyzing and finally giving recommendations to the executive manager on the most effective steps to be taken in order to realize the desired organizational outcomes. Most of the team members were old time employees who have been with the firm for more than five years and as such, they have a better understanding of the issues being faced by the employees within the organization.

In order to meet goals and objectives for which the task force was formed, it was important to ensure that every member had a role in the exercise. My role was the chairperson of the task force and as such, I was tasked with the responsibility of controlling all the activities in addition to reporting the progress of the exercise to the executive management of the company. As the chairperson, part of my daily routine involved compiling the reports obtained from other team members, and facilitating a meeting which would focus on resolving the most important issues that needed to be addressed by the company based on their priorities. The priorities were determined by looking at the degree to which the matter affected the ability of the employees to perform their duties and responsibilities based on the responses obtained from interviews and questionnaires involving the employees. The whole exercise was a success because each of the team members accomplished their role which resulted in the success of the project and that of the organization as a whole.


Arcidiacono, P., Kinsler, J., & Price, J. (2017). Productivity spillovers in team production: Evidence from professional basketball. Journal of Labor Economics35(1), 191-225.

Nguyen-Duc, A., Cruzes, D. S., & Conradi, R. (2015). The impact of global dispersion on coordination, team performance and software quality–A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology57, 277-294.