International Business Culture

Topic: International Business Culture

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Research paper….

In a 4 pages paper, detail the following: What leadership strategies are required to best conduct an effective cross-cultural negotiation. Compare and contrast attitudes and actions needed for optimizing collaborations in a global context. Explain your rationale. The analysis section of the assignment should be substantial and in mini-essay form. It should include a topic sentence, supporting materials/discussion items, and a concluding sentence. Your comments must be thoughtful, substantial, analytical, and include critical analysis. For every statement you make regarding your opinion, you need to justify or explain why (or what) you are basing your opinion upon. Ideally, your justification should come from something specific you have read or heard on the discussion topic. APA form and style, 12 point and New Times Roman font. In addition, it should be organized:

  • Introduction

  • Body (discussion on how the literature relates to the paper)

  • Conclusion