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DIRECTIONS: You have until the last day of our class Sunday (July 16, 2017), 11.59 pm to complete the exam.

If you quote from the book, use proper APA formatting. Your paragraph(s) should include a topic sentence, at least four supporting sentences and a transition or concluding sentence. Formatting should be Times New Roman 12 font and double spaced between each response. The exam should be 3-4 pages.

For each question below there is chapter dedicated in OpenStax College (2014), which was given to you in this course under the Content. You all used different chapters from it all semester long. You can use them for the final as well. Please make sure to address each question fully and in your own words.

ESSAY QUESTIONS (4 questions-25 pts. each)

  1. A) What are the shared components of culture? Name them and give examples.

B) Define and explain Pre-Industrial and Industrial societies according to Gerhard Lenski. Give examples. (Chapter 4)

  1. A) What does global stratification refer to?

B) During the Cold War era (1945–1980), world countries were classified as first world, second world, and third world nations based on respective economic development and standards of living. Nowadays, this language is no longer used. Rather countries are classified and categorized based on World Bank Economic Classification by Income. What are these categorizations? Name them and give examples for each. (Chapter 10)

  1. Distinguish between monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, and polygyny as covered in Chapter 14! Give examples for each. Which do we have as a US cultural norm?

  1. What are Assimilation, Pluralism, Segregation, and Genocide? First define the concepts and then provide examples for each case from the US or world history (or current events). (Openstax College, Chapter 11)

Good Luck to all of you!