Islamic Empires in Africa (and Asia)

Viewing notes on Crash Course World History Episode 16: Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa

Key Terms: How big is Africa?, written records vs. oral traditions, Mansa Musa, Mali, hajj, 1000 people and 100 camel loads of gold, inflation in Alexandria, implications of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage, Empire of Mali, Timbuktu, Islamization of Mali, Berbers, salt-gold, spread of Islam through trade routes, Muslim kings in Africa, blending traditional practices with Islam, Ghana, Mansa Suleiman, Ibn Battuta and his awesome life journey, Malian women, Songhay, alternative model in East Africa/Swahili civilization, Bantu migrations, “silk road of the sea,” sophistication of trade, slave trade, Kilwa, bookshelves, architecture, multiple lenses, “our history.”


  1. Using information from Strayer and Nelson and the Rihla, compare Ibn Battuta with Mansa Musa. What do you think Gus Casely-Hayford would say about John Green’s discussion of Mansa Musa?