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Works Cited

Banda, Fareda. “Women, Law and Human Rights: An African Perspective.” Hart Publishing UK ed. Edition, 25 September 2005. Print. 25 June 2017.

The author of this book is Fareda Banda. She is a Lecturer in Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London. This book is written about different customs and religions in Africa. It explains laws in Africa and how they impact genders. This book focuses on women’s experience in the family. In this book, the writer writes about different women’s issues. One of the major themes in this book is a consideration of the linkages of international and constitutional human rights. This is done using tools from many analysis. This book considers the provisions of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights. The author has written several books pertaining to women rights. This book is easy to understand. This is a book of significance. I commended the author for all her research. I will recommend this book to other students. I will also use this information in future writing classes .

Bass, Jack. “Taming the storm: the life and times of Judge Frank M Johnson and the South’s fight over civil rights.” University of Georgia Press, 1st ed. 10 January 2003. Book. June 23 2017.

Correct Citation:

Bass, Jack. Taming the Storm: The Life and Times of Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., and the South's Fight Over Civil Rights. New York, Doubleday, 1994.

The author of this book is Jack Bass. This book is a bibliography about the times of Frank M. Johnson, who was a young 37year old attorney from Alabama. He was the youngest judge in the country during those times. He was sent to Montgomery, Alabama by President Eisenhower, during the year that a young black lady named Rosa L. Parks, refused to give up her seat to a white man on the city bus. Johnson ruled on bus segregation, voting rights for blacks, and he handed down many decisions that weren’t so popular but later proved to have consequences for America and its future. Johnson leaves a legacy behind; he is one of the most significant judges in the history of America. This book is a credible source.It is a book that is easy to read. I will recommend this book to others. I will choose this book for writing another literature review.

Bingham, Jane. “ Winning the Vote: 1900- 1920. Women at War ”, Facts on File, 2011. Web. 27 June 2017.

This article is written by Jane Bingham. This article is found on a trusted site about American History. Bingham writes about when women in America won the right vote. Women campaigned for their right to vote. The women began a movement called the women’s suffrage. It was led by Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth. Sections in this article explain different movements for women rights in America Hist ory. This article was very detailed. It educated me on the struggles that women in American faced when they were fighting for the right to vote. The author of this article used clear language; it’s very educational. I consider this article credible information. Information in this article very use full for writing, recommended this article to others.

Bonner, Michelle D. Sustaining Human Rights: Women and Argentine Human Rights Organizations. Pennsylvania State Univ. P, 2007. Print. 27 June 2017.

Correct Citation:

Bonner, Michelle D. Sustaining Human Rights: Women and Argentine Human Rights Organizations. University Park, PA, Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 2007.

This book is written by Michelle D. Bonner, an assistant professor of Political Science at Victoria University. This book shows how women rights in Argentina have fought for new political vocabulary for the promotion of human rights. This book also explores information on the struggle for political legitimacy. The book covers information on how political science, women studies, sociology, and history should be a part of Latin American studies. The author used a lot of illustration to express her feelings; students or readers will enjoy reading this book. The author compares the women in this book to other women in different countries. The author seems to have a great love for women and their rights. The author provides pictures to show as evidence that these women really suffered. I will strongly consider this book in future writing classes or projects . I will recommend it to others.

Collier-Thomas, Bettye and V.P. Franklin. Sisters in the Struggle: African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement. NYU Press, 2001 eBook

Collier-Thomas, Bettye, and V.P. Franklin. Sisters in the Struggle: African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement. New York, NY, New York University Press, 2001, 0814716032 .

This book is written by Bettye Thomas- Collier . Bettye is a History Professor and Director of the Center for African American History Culture at Temple University. She is also the author of Daughters of Thunder, Black Women Preachers and their Sermons, and she has co-written other books. Sisters in the Struggle explains how Black American women were at the frontline of the civil rights struggle. This book educates its readers about how African American women were treated and how they overcame stumbling blocks that was designed to keep them down. This book is very powerful, when reading this book the student or reader may become emotional. I think that this book is a credible source. Bettye has written several other books . This book has good reviews from other readers . It’s also found on the Faulkner Online Library as an eBook or you can go into the Faulkner library to rent it. I will use this book in my writings, and I will recommend it to others.

Coster, Patience. “Women in World War II: 193-1960.” A New Deal for Women, Facts on File, 2011. Web. 27 June 2017 .

This is an article writing by Patience Coster who speaks about how women lives changed as of World War II. The author has a very positive outlook on women rights. The article offers research and educational materials that can help a student gained clarity of the struggle women faced during those times. This article breaks down in sections about the different effects that the war had on women.. The article is very easy to understand. This article very inspiring for women readers. Students can include sections of this article into a writing assignment. The article has an URL address which is found on Faulkner’s Online Library website. I will use this article in my writings. I recommend it to other students.

Gorman, Jacqueline Lakes. “Modern Feminism Begins: 1961- 1979.” The Modern Feminist Movement, Facts on File, 2011. Web. 27 June 2017.

The author is Jacqueline Gorman. This article is very educational , it is written in English language. The author explains experiences that African American women faced . This book contains the history of African American Women . This article will make you realize how much women suffered and how they had to fight for their rights as citizens. There are also sections of this article that break down different situations that took place in the 1960’s regarding women and how they were treated. The author explains in detail every situation regarding her topic. It helps the readers by guiding them through the article. I will recommend this article for writing. It’s a credible source that gives you a works cited page. The website gives you record information .

Kloosteman, Jeanette. "Transformative Leadership for Womens Rights: An Oxfam Guide Understanding how leadership can create sustainable change that promotes womens rights and gender equality." 12 May 2014. Web 23 June 2017 .

Information concerning women rights are found in a guide which they use to educated people regarding the services they provide. Helping women and children in Western countries is one of their main purposes. They promote gender justice. They invest in an approach called “ Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights. The guide is also a resource to inform and inspire the work of the people that support and work for the organization. The guide helps people understand how the organization defines transformative leadership for women and their rights. They provide pictures of the women and children to support their work. They also provide an address and telephone number. I think that this information on this site is very credible, it has an URL address.

McGuire, Danielle L. “At the dark end of the street: black women, rape, and resistance –a new history of the civil rights movement from Rosa Parks to the rise of black power.” Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 07 September 2010. Print 24 June 2017.

This is a book written by Danielle McGuire. D ani elle was born in Janesville Wisconsin . She lives in Detroit Michigan . She is an assistant professor in the History Department at Wayne State University. This book “At the end of the street” provides the readers an excellent outlook on the history of sexual assault against black women in America. This book is a good source for students. It provides informative and accessible information written in the English . It’s very interesting and inspiring especially for women of color. This book is also horrific and sad. The reader of this book will learn about Recy Taylor. The reader of this book will also learn about Rosa Parks and other unknown women that fault for freedom . The things that happened to women of color will bring you to tears. This book could one day become a movie . It can be used for a history class assignment or a writing assignment .

Sangster, Joan. “The Other Women’s Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America. “Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 58: Fall 2006. pp, 251-254. Print. 27 June 2017.

This article is about a book; it’s written by Joan Sangster. This article is written on social conditions of women. The name of the book that this article is written about is “The Other Women’s Movement: Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America , by Dorothy Sue Cobble. This article is nonfiction. It is found on the Faulkner University Library website. This article explains the chapters of the book “The Other Women’s Movement ”. This is an important article because the reader or student can learn about the history in the field of labor such as the labor movement and women’s movement. It had a few grammar and spelling errors. I probably wouldn’t recommend this article for a student because the article is nonfiction . When doing an assignment, I would prefer to use something that has more f acts.

Sweetman, Caroline. "1. Women and Rights." Women and Rights, pp. 8-64.

This is a book written by Caroline Sweetman. This book focuses on the gender issues and rights of women. The book is about the history of human rights legislation, women refugees, violence against women, disabled women rights, and much more . This book is a good resource book for students and readers. This book is rated very high from its readers. I will strongly recommend this article to students. I enjoy reading Caroline’s newsletters from Oxfam Publishing. It’s a credible website . I suggest students read this book along with visiting the Oxfam website for future information regarding women rights for a writing of history assignment .

The Bible. New International Version, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1989. Print. 28 June 2017.

This is The Bible/The Good Book. It is the New International Version. This book was written by the Committee on Bible Translation. The CBT was formed in 1965. This Bible is written in English. It’s very easy to translate. It’s the world’s most read modern English bible. More than 400 million copies of this Bible have been sold. This Bible has a Table of Contents. The books of the Bible are in alphabetical order, preface to the New International Version, Chapters and scriptures of the bible, Concordance, Introduction, abbreviations, and maps. These are important parts of the Bible. This Bible is accurate and credible because it has been updated. Once a year CBT meets with the NIV charter. It demands constant updates to the development of text of this Bible. I suggest that students refer to this Bible for future writing assignments .

Wow, you have been doing some reading but you are not getting what an annotation is. Please go back and work through the material in Module 2. Also, go back to Module 1 and review MLA 8 formatting.