Enterprise IT Strategy Plan


Webtech Computer Solutions Information Technology Executive Summary

Sahaboob Yassin


June 12, 2017

Dr. Louay Chebib, PhD

Description of the Business

Webtech Computer Solutions is an enterprise which will be involved in protective and adaptive computer services to different clients to make sure that their computers are performing in the desired manner. The protective computer services will be concerned with regular computer maintenance services during the installation or updating of computer programs to prevent external damage. Secondly, adaptive computer services will be offered to insecure persons and organizational technical environments in regard to the changing rates within these clients. Additionally, Webtech Computer Solutions will be involved in other computer maintenance services which such as installing new program modules and provision of more hardware to improve security and general computer performance.

Industry Sector

Webtech Computer Solutions could be categorized into the computer repair industry, which has gained momentum due to the growth of computer technologies. In that case, since several computer systems whether a low-end computer or large scale business servers may require repairs, Webtech Computer Solutions has identified the need to offer these services. This is because most organizations and individuals will prefer maximizing the life of their computer systems over replacing faulty machines.

Products analysis

Webtech Computer Solutions will be involved in various computer maintenance services including onsite computer repair and consultation services, where the maintenance services will be offered at the residence of our clients. This is one of the unique computer maintenance services at Webtech and the entire computer repair industry since consumers will be not required to move from one place to another in search of the service, and that onsite service will be cost effective for our clients as there will be no transportation costs.

Webtech Computer Solutions will additionally offer support services to our consumers in terms of software installation, updating as well as compatibility services. Attention will be placed on providing hardware and networking services due to their significance in a well-functioning computer system. The other service which will be offered at Webtech Computer Solutions will be associated with computer user education with the aim of promoting appropriate use of the computers. Other services will include data security and management of computer disks.

Targeted Market

Webtech Computer Solutions has identified small-scale business ventures without system administrators; schools and private computer user are especially home computers.

Overview of Business Focus

Webtech Computer Solutions is designed to meet computer needs ranging from repairs, maintenance to user education to maximize the life individual and corporate computers. The services offered will be concerned with preventive and adaptive services as far as computer system maintenance is concerned.

Corporate culture

To ensure that there is loyalty from the stakeholders at Webtech: - workers, suppliers and consumers, the firm will be guided by an effective corporate culture. In that case, at Webtech, there will be a defined leadership structure which will be involved in directing and designing the goals within the firm, to earn loyalty from consumers and the workers as well. In turn, the firm will be guided by a clear vision which will guide the decisions made by workers. Lastly, Webtech Computer Solutions will acknowledge the inputs and suggestion from the team members to create the sense of ownership within the firm.

Ethical Framework

Webtech Computer Solutions is founded on a set of principles with regard to how the workers and clients will be handled. To begin with, business with the clients will be conducted based on the needs of the clients; contracts entered will be under the defined state policies, information will be kept confidential. On the other hand, there will be professional relations with the workers while exhibiting a professional level of courteousness for all workers (Burrow et al., 2007).

Summary of IT Value Chain

Information technology will be used by the leadership at Webtech to basically change the cost of doing business and reduce the costs for our clients and suppliers, such as through the use of e-procurement models when purchasing computer and related repairs. Similarly, e-procurement systems will be used by our clients when purchasing our services to make payment processes more effective, while making the services more affordable and cheaper. On the other hand, Webtech Computer Solutions will use information technology to identify and develop new services as well as create new markets with the use of digital modeling and reproduction of repair services to decrease the time and costs for our products (Chui & Fleming, 2011). In this model, services such as computer education will be offered over the internet from the firm’s website, as well as from a developed online- based training program. It is worth noting that the information retrieved from the internet will be helpful in providing improved capacities and opportunities for invention. Since most of the population is connected to the internet and social networking sites, their comments and reviews will be used to improve the quality of services offered at Webtech Computer Solutions (Manyika, 2009).

Since speed and accuracy are the basics for operational decisions, Webtech Solutions will use the information from the internet to conduct online surveys with the use of Google Analytics and Microsoft Customer Relations Management dynamics. Lastly, information technology will be used in conducting marketing services through digital marketing by use of blogs, social media emails and development of smartphone advertisement applications. Information technology will equally be used for resource management functions at the firm with the use of cloud based services such as Enterprise Resource Planning services (Butt, 2015).


Burrow, J. L., Kleindl, B., & Everard, K. E. (2007). Business principles and management. Cengage Learning.

Butt, A, .A. (May, 2015). “The Role of Information Technology in Business Success”, [Web], Accessed from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/role-information-technology-business-success-abid-afzal-butt

Chui, M., & Fleming, T. (2011). Inside P & G’s digital revolution’. McKinsey Quarterly111.

Manyika, J. 2008, ‘Google’s views on the future of business: An Interview with CEO Eric Schmidt’, McKinsey Quarterly, Accessed from: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Googles_view_on_the_future_ of_business_An_interview_with_CEO_Eric_Schmidt_2229