Gap Analysis Plan and Visio Draft



Workflow Issue

The selected workflow issue is Stroke Assessment Tool (SAT). Stroke is an emergency condition that requires all nurses’ assessment to stop the life-threating, treatable and preventable complications that are prevalent in many patients coming to the emergency rooms. The Stroke Assessment Tool is developed to increase stroke awareness and hence help in the reduction of the number of strokes experienced by different patients. To achieve this, the Stroke Assessment Tool facilitates communications between patients and healthcare professionals on the subject of stroke and the emergency steps that need to be taken when a patient becomes a victim of a stroke. According to Electronic Health Records (EHRs), digitization of stroke management through Stroke Assessment Tool would be efficient since the Stroke Assessment Tool is based on an algorithm that includes some controllable risk issues related to stroke and other dangerous diseases. Immediately the patient is brought into the emergency room; the nurses are obligated to assess him or her and feed the information obtained to the computer using the Electronic Health Records. It is however essential that patients should be trained on the utilization of the SAT (Fothergill, Williams, Edwards, Russell, & Gompertz, 2013).

Nurses will be trained on how to utilize the SAT. In so doing, it would be easy for them to apply the same in their areas of expertise, especially in stroke management. In addition to that, the nurses will be trained on the safety procedures that are applicable with the SAT to enhance patient care within the healthcare system. Training of the nurses is essential because it not properly trained, it may be difficult and rather expensive to implement the workflow issues (Fothergill et al., 2013.

Specific Meaningful Objectives

There are three specific objectives of the Stroke Assessment Tool. The first one is to enhance the usage and understanding of the EHRs technology among nurses. Secondly, the tool helps improve the quality, efficiency, and safety of health care services by reducing procedural disparities. Lastly, Stroke Assessment Tool is designed to improve the nurse care coordination and communication efficiency between patients and professional healthcare providers (Deleener & Greenfield, 2017). The three objectives maximize the uses and objectivity of the tool at ensuring that patient care is advanced.

Goals of Gap Analysis

The primary goals of the gap analysis include reduction of stroke-related deaths, proper record keeping on patients who have experienced a stroke, improve emergency attendance to patients of stroke and train nurses and other healthcare professionals on stroke management (Ott & Longnecker, 2015). For instance, proper record keeping on stroke related diseases can be very active in research that is aimed at evolving drugs that can be used to reduce and manage stroke among people. Stroke Assessment tool is an open approach that allows close monitoring of the patients’ stroke activities and therefore ensuring that they are safe and are recovering. In addition to that Stroke, Assessment tool permits the training of nurses. This promotes care and safety and at the same time minimizes the chances of stroke and accidental deaths especially among the elderly patients (Ott & Longnecker, 2015).

Methods of Data Collection

The data collection instrument that is to be used includes questionnaires, interviews, surveys, lab experiments, observation, previous records and distribution records in various Stroke Assessment tool (Ott & Longnecker, 2015). Some of the questions that would be considered in the interviews or questionnaires include;

  1. What are the common challenges that stroke patients and nurses experience

  2. Do you think Stroke Assessment tool will be useful?

  3. What features do you expect the Stroke Assessment tool to have?

  4. In your own words, why do you think people experience stroke?

  5. Do you have a relative or friend who has suffered a stroke? Do you think the implementation of the Stroke Assessment tool will help him or her?

  6. As a nurse, what sort of training do you need to understand and use the Stroke Assessment tool?

  7. List five methods you think Stroke Assessment tool will be of use to your profession as a nurse?

Minimizing Disruptions

Implementing the Stroke Assessment tool is an involving process that requires total commitment from all the parties involved. As a result, the interferences must be limited as much as possible. To minimize disruptions;

  1. Only allowed personnel should be included in the process

  2. All participants must be highlighted on the importance of the process

  3. Proper grooming must be encouraged

  4. Mobile mobiles and other electronic appliances will be switched off or put in silent mode

  5. Practical use of non-verbal cues like involving the listeners during training would be very essential (Mackey & Gass, 2015).

  6. Timely planning so as not to invoke rejection or opposition from the participants.

  7. To avoid bias, all participants will be given equal opportunities. This will enhance their participation and hence increase their chances of giving reliable data. Also, having an open forum where people are allowed to express their opinions would be encouraged (Mackey & Gass, 2015).

Data Analysis

The data would be recorded on sketches, video and audio tapes, personal writings from the participants, notes from verbal interviews and questionnaires. To quantify the data, the simple random sampling method will be employed. A selected group of the participants will be randomly picked for the research study. They will be interviewed, given some questionnaires and the results from each one of them compared. Through this, it would be easy to identify the irregularities in the data and also eliminates the ones that do not make sense or are not applicable to the exercise. Finally, the data will be analyzed using the computer analyzer to ensure that it means the expected standards. The baseline metrics would achieve by setting clear research questions and having a defined set of participants to as to normalize the data from the different sources of information (Gelman, Carlin, Stern, Dunson, Vehtari, & Rubin, 2014).


Deleener, M. E., & Greenfield, B. (2017). Abstract WP389: Improving Systems of Care with Stroke Severity-Adjusted EMS Triaging and Bypass Criteria Protocols to a Comprehensive Stroke Center. American Heart Association, Inc.

Fothergill, R. T., Williams, J., Edwards, M. J., Russell, I. T., & Gompertz, P. (2013). Does use of the recognition of stroke in the emergency room stroke assessment tool enhance stroke recognition by ambulance clinicians? Stroke, 44(11), 3007-3012.

Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., & Rubin, D. B. (2014). Bayesian data analysis (Vol. 2). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Mackey, A., & Gass, S. M. (2015). Second language research: Methodology and design. Abingdon: UK: Routledge.

Ott, R. L., & Longnecker, M. T. (2015). An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. Toronto, Ont: Nelson Education.