explore human behavior

Running head: Unit 6 template 0

[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]

First Name Last Name

HN 501: Human Development and Human Behavior in Context

[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]

This should include an introduction or brief overview of the case and why you are presenting it. For example: “This case involving a family with a son in middle childhood is being presented to receive feedback regarding current intervention strategies and future goals.” Do not copy and paste the scenario or write any part of the scenario verbatim. Rephrase the case with your own words. For example, the scenario states “John is typically withdrawn from peers and teachers.” If I rephrased this in my own words, I might say, “Per teacher’s report, the identified client has limited interactions with his teacher and classmates”.  The introduction is a good place to discuss developmental stages and changes that occur during the age group of the identified client. For example: During middle childhood self-esteem is impacted positively and negatively by social involvement with peers, physical appearance, and academic status (Blewitt & Broderick, 2015). Make sure to provide in-text citations for anything that is not common knowledge or an original thought. This case should be written in 3rd person and should be objective (stating, facts, observations, and reported information). This should be written in Standard English with complete sentences and paragraphs. Consider the difference between speech and academic writing. For example: “The client that I will be presenting has gotten into lots of fights with other kids”. Gotten into and lots in not good academic English. Consider replacement words like engaged, instigated, or become instead of the word gotten and words like several, numerous, many instead of the word lots. For example: “John has been acting out aggressively and has physically fought with other students on numerous occasions.” Or “The client’s parents report that they have had to meet with teachers and the principal on multiple occasions because of his frequent involvement in physical fights with his peers.”


Demographics include identifying data age, gender, social status, income, marital status, education, religion, ethnicity/race, sexual orientation, residence, family constellation, etc. You should also include living arrangements and household make-up. You can include legal, medical, psychological, and abuse history here as well. For this case, you can include any medications he has been prescribed and why. The case scenario does not offer a lot of information so you can create your own details.

Reason for Initial Consultation

This section should include why the client/patient was referred to you. The “Why now”

Presenting Problem

This section should discuss the chief complaint which should include onset, duration, when the problem is worse, with whom the problem is most notable (i.e. teachers, siblings, friends, etc.), contributing factors, when the problem is minimal, precipitating factors, etc. You can include needs here (consider Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs).

Family History

This section should include family’s history. Don’t forget to list family strengths, parenting styles, tobacco, alcohol or drug use, and any relevant employment, medical, legal, and psychological history of family members.

Social History/Peer Relationships

This section should include his interactions and relationships with others, sports involvement, hobbies, affiliations, relationship and behaviors with teachers and peers, etc.

Current Intervention Plan

Discuss the treatment. Review the case and implications for treatment on page 278 for ideas.

Future Goals and Recommendations

Mutually agreed upon goals should be related to the needs and should also be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.


Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The Life Span, Human Development for Helping Professionals, Fourth Addition. Pearson Education

You will need to include at least 2 more credible references in APA