Worlds Of Christianity

Key Terms from Crash Course Episode Assigned for Module 13

Crash Course Episode 10

Key Terms: SPQR, Julius Caesar, balance in government, the Senate, patricians, plebians, consuls, checks on power, Cincinnatus, caesarian section, triumvirate, legions, Cleopatra, JC’s assassination, evaluation of JC’s record, Roman Empire v. Persian Empire, characteristics of an empire, elephants, Spain, concentration of power/powerful generals, abstract idea of republic.

Crash course on chapter 11: From Judaism to Constantine

Key Terms: Jesus of Nazareth, Judaism, monotheism, The covenant, Abram, circumcision, “chosen people,” nature of “Yahweh,” Herod 1 and 2, Messianic Tradition, similarities between Augustus and Jesus, Jewish diaspora, why did Christianity separate from Judaism, Saul of Tarsus/Paul, ‘the fish,’ relationship between the rise of Christianity and the decline of the Roman empire,

Crash Course episode 12: Fall of the Roman Empire

“barbarians at the gates,” barbarian hipster view/Tacitus, governance problem of empire, incorporation of Germanic warriors into the legions, pants, Eastern vs. Western Roman Empire, Constantinople, 1st Church council/Imperial control over the church, wealth, warfare, spectacle, sport, rule of law/Justinian’s digest and institutes, Hagia Sofia, Theodora, eastern orthodox vs. roman Catholicism, pope v. patriarch, political power and relationship to religious authority

Crash Course 14, the Dark Ages

Key Terms: Eurocentrism, 600-1450 CE, Why called ‘dark?,’ feudalism, lack of social mobility, warlords, Aquinas and Hildegard, dar al Salaam, Ummayad dynasty/Damascus, arab vs. non-Arab Muslims, Abbasids/Baghdad, Persianization of Islam, tolerance and curiosity, the House of Wisdom, zero, science and religion in the Abbasid empire, Cordoba, engineering, Maimonides, Tang dynasty China, battle of Talas river, Song dynasty China, porcelain/china, paper money, gunpowder

Crash Course 15: Pilgrimage or Holy War?

Key Terms: reasons the Crusades are seen as important to world history, economic benefits of Christian pilgrimages, Seljuks, Pope Urban II, unification against a common enemy, who went on crusades and why?, success of the first crusade, Antioch and Jerusalem as Latin cities, the third crusade, Saladin v. Richard, fourth crusade, why the crusades mattered, ‘fundamentally different from us,” sacrality, exercise in empathy.