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Thesis; human responsibility is key in defining human relations, intrinsically and externally it serves to define social classes that exist in the society, vital issues such as unity, peace and love are other proponents of human responsibility.

Responsibility is a very critical value in every human life; if at all an individual would desire change in his or her life the primary activity is to take responsibility of everything. Human responsibility has no definite definition but rather in lay language one would say it is a foundational principle that an individual inculcates in becoming a free agent, essentially this means it grants an individual the power to frame exactly what they want in life. Human experiences are as a result of the bad and good choices people make in their everyday life and the root of all this stem from human responsibility therefore it goes without mentioning that human responsibility plays a big role in an individual’s life cycle (Morris, 463-479).

Responsibility has different phases in which it could be expressed or explained for detailed understanding, one way in which we would understand it best is through understanding human relations. The social set up seems to be of a very significant impact especially when mentioning matters with regards to relationships, though the society may be large it is merely a collection of many people, therefore when issues with regards to personal responsibility emerge it no longer becomes public thing but rather an individual concern.

There exist a variety of responsibilities that scholars have brought to book, these include; responsibility that involves human actions and their consequences, role and employment responsibility, moral responsibility and legal responsibility (Simon, 145-159). Morality is the basis of all responsibility of all human kind in essence people live for the good of those who surround them, the relevance of this principle is to ensure people live in harmony, peace, love and unity.


The individual plays a big role in enhancing human responsibility, meaning, it tickles down to a personal conviction, therefore the core issues that make humans responsible are their thoughts, speech and deeds. As an individual the very important thing that I would consider all human race to be responsible for are the above three mentioned things, these things are significant in building proper relations with one another. Aside from dealing with the intrinsic bit of human responsibility, outside our inner circle there is much that pertains to human responsibility more especially to the society at large (Simon, 145-159).

Work cited

Morris, Sara, and Robert. "The role of moral intensity in moral judgments: An empirical investigation." Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics. Springer Netherlands, 2013. 463-479.

Simon, Judith. "Distributed epistemic responsibility in a hyperconnected era." The Onlife Manifesto. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 145-159.