Assignment: Required Theories For Success

Unit 9 [CJ34 5: Supe rvis ory Practic es in Crim inal Just ice ] Uni t 9 Final P rojec t C hec klist Create a 10 –15- s lide (e xcl uding the title page) Microsoft ® Power Point ® presentation that addre sses the follo w ing: Defend the t heori es req uired to be successful in supervis ory pra ctic es in t he cr iminal jus tice field . Addre ss the following issues in yo ur essay: • Incl ude seve ral the ories that are essenti al for success in su pervision. • Expla in why the the ories are imp ort ant. • How the the ories imp act upon supervi sory pract ice s.

• Support the theories wi th research. Cri teria: Ask you rself the following question s. Not Yet Yes Pur pose for Wri ting Did you Defen d the theories req uired to be successful in supervi so ry prac tices in the crimi nal justice field? Do you have a clear Purpose for your presentation? Did you sta te the Maj or Topics clearly? Rese arch Is your research Curre nt? Did you use Credible Sou rces? Did you ans wer all the qu esti ons in a Subs tantive manner? Co ntent Is your con tent Accurate? Is your con tent Comprehensive en ough to add ress the topic? Form at Did you prep are your pre sentation in Po werP oint? Did you name you r file correctly? Did you use APA format to cite your sou rces? Did you check yo ur do cument for Spell ing errors?

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