Research Study



Substance Addiction

LaMarcus Anderson


July 10, 2017

Professor J. Wooley


As with any research, there is a need for me to identify a target population that I will work on the paper as a whole. This is vital as it largely determines the level of success that I will have in correcting information that is directly linked to the research that I am undertaking. It is also notable that majority of the methods that I will be using in the process will be largely determined by a population that I will choose to use. This is largely critical in helping grow the different sections of the research in the desired manner for the researcher. By choosing the correct target population, I will be able to come up with results that are accurate as well as representative of the facts on the ground.

Rationale for Identified Target Population

In this research, I chose the target population of students in the university and college level. There are very many people that are in universities and college all across the country. These people are both young, and the majority of them have no responsibilities. This is a factor that largely increases the exposure that they have to drugs. No doubt, it is notable that in many rehabilitation centers, the majority of the patients are people that are within this age group (Fahimi, Aurrecoechea, Anderson, Herring and Alter, 2015). This is an age of 16 years and 24 years and applies to both the male and female students. The main cause behind the selection of this group is that it has many individuals that are trapped in substance addiction. I would also be interested in understanding the diverse persons that are in the health care business and those involved in the practice of taking care of the addicted people. The majority of these people are found in the healthcare industry seeking treatment for this as well as other diseases. Focusing on this group, therefore, looks to be sensible for me.

Method for Determining Appropriate Sample Size

Once the target group has been selected, it is notable to one needs to have a sample size that fits the needs of the researcher. This is an issue that needs to be determined considering the fact that there are very many people that can be the source of the required information. One also has to consider the resources that are available to conduct the research that is necessary (Van der Stel, 2015). By considering the information that needs to be collected as well as the different resources information, it is possible to clearly choose a sampling method that will allow you to have the correct group to work with.

In my case, I chose to make use of the stratified sampling method in the process of selecting the correct sample for the paper. This is a method where the process of selecting the different people that will be sampled is done in an organized manner. This method allows for me to have a representative from all the different target populations deliberately. In this case, this will allow me first to have a group of addicts that I can talk to on the issue and gather information from them with regard to how they are affected in the healthcare well-being. This is also critical as it largely helps me get data from the persons that are tangled in offering health care in different institutions.

The Rationale for Choosing the Data Collection Methodology

The process of collecting data is critical, and it largely determines the way that the activities undertaken are followed. It is also critical to observe that common individual that are tangled in the course of data collection have to be very clear as to what information they are required to take and how best they can actually take this information. For data collection, I chose to use the questionnaire as well as make use of interviews.

It is often clear that when the data collection is done through a questionnaire, the majority of the information collected is very valuable. This is as a consequence of the fact that the different people that offer information using this method are assured of their privacy, and this often motivates them to give information that is both valid and very efficient (Fahimi, Aurrecoechea, Anderson, Herring and Alter, 2015). It is also expected that I will make use of the interviews for most of the healthcare staff. These are people that can provide valid information on face to face basis, and this will allow me to gather information as to how exactly substance abuse affects the different medical healthcare systems.

Descriptive or Comparative Statistics Suitable For Your Health Care Difficult

In this case, the method I would choose to make use of is that of univariate analysis. This is a method of analyzing the data collected and then describing the different relationships that can be found from the data collected in relation to the different variables within the information. This is necessary as it helps simplify the many different pieces of data collected in the form of simple information that can be understood by the many different people that will read the results of my research.

Through univariate analysis, I will first be able to explain the aspect of how well a single variable in the data collected is spread across the many different samples. This shows the distribution that is involved in a single piece of information or characteristic. It is also notable that the data can be interpreted in the manner of the degree of mean, mode of median depending on the needs of the research. This information can also be displayed in the form of tables and graphs where possible to provide visual aids that can help the different people that will need the information provided.

Statistical Tests Used To Analyze The Data

For this research, I can make use of two types of statistical tests that can assist me to understand the different information that has been presented in this case. It is correct to state that many of the persons that will use the research will need information that has summarized the different findings. The first test that I can use is that of correlation which will help me to find any association between variables in the findings as well as determine the most relevant information that can be resultant of the above data.

Second, I can make use of regression. It is correct to state that regression will help me in determining the effect that change in either variable has on the other variables. Simple regression will help determine how change that takes place to the predator variable affects the outcome variable (Fahimi, Aurrecoechea, Anderson, Herring and Alter, 2015). This is important as it will help me to come up with recommendations that can actually be implemented and be effective in the different activities that reduce the substance addiction.


All things considered, it is correct to note that the problem of substance addiction is a major problem that is affecting numerous individuals in the country. This problem has gone ahead to affect the many diverse individuals that are using the healthcare system in negative ways. By selecting the target group and sample effectively, I will have the ability to collect information that is valid and one that guides me in making recommendations that when applied will improve the current state of the system.


Van der Stel, J. (2015). Precision in Addiction Care: Does It Make a Difference? The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 88(4), 415–422.

Fahimi, J., Aurrecoechea, A., Anderson, E., Herring, A., & Alter, H. (2015). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Visits Among Adolescents Presenting to US Emergency Departments. Pediatric Emergency Care, 31(5), 331–338.