2 pages in 4 hrs

The daily planet case study


3 pages not including cover page and reference page

Review the appraisal form adapted from Case 6-2 Judgmental and Mechanical Methods of Assigning Overall Performance Score at The Daily Planet.

Answer the following questions:

  • List the components that are present in this evaluation form. Any recommended changes or revisions you feel are needed?

  • Provide details of the missing components and what should be added.

  • If the missing components are not added what are the possible negative consequences?

  • 2 pages in 4 hrs 1

2 pages in 4 hrs 2

2 pages in 4 hrs 3

2 pages in 4 hrs 4

2 pages in 4 hrs 5

2 pages in 4 hrs 6

2 pages in 4 hrs 7

2 pages in 4 hrs 8