12-U1D1 - Discuss examples of cultural boundaries the participants in this project might have faced. Include one additional example of an issue related to cultural boundaries you encountered.

GLOBAL ISSUE RESOURCES Permissions for the following U.S. government and United Nations web links have been deemed appropriate for educational use. However, please note that URLs may be subject to change. While the URLs were current when this course was designed, some may no longer be valid. If you cannot access a specific link, contact your instructor for an alternative URL.

U . S . D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E John Kerry: Remarks at the 2014 Frontiers in Development Forum Video (35:23) September 19, 2014 Transcript Reports: • 2011 African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum PDF • Remarks at the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Ministerial • African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Bureau of African Affairs G E N E R A L A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y O F F I C E African Growth and Opportunity Act: USAID Could Enhance Utilization by Working with More Countries to Develop Export Strategies African Growth and Opportunity Act: Observations on Competitiveness and Diversification of U.S. Imports from Beneficiary Countries U . S . S E N A T E Senator Coons urges South Africa to drop duties on American chicken, threatens trade benefits Video (5:24) U.S. Senate Floor Speech January 26, 2015 Transcript Powering Africa's Future: Examining the Power Africa Initiative P r i n t C r e d i t s U.S. Senate Subcommittee on African Affairs Video (1:51:42) March 27, 2014 Direct links to transcripts are provided: • Earl Gast PDF Assistant Administrator for Africa U.S. Agency for International Development Washington, DC • The Honorable Mimi Alemayehou PDF Executive Vice President Overseas Private Investment Corporation Washington, DC In addition, you may consult testimonies by these Not For Profit interests/experts: ◦ Paul Hinks PDF CEO of Symbion Power LLC and Chairman of the Corporate Council on Africa Washington , DC ◦ Del Renigar PDF Senior Counsel for Global Government Affairs and Policy General Electric Washington, DC ◦ Tom Hart PDF U.S. Executive Director The ONE Campaign Washington, DC ◦ Tony O. Elumelu PDF Chairman of Heirs Holdings Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Lagos, Nigeria Political, Economic, and Security Situation in Africa U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Video (1:59:56) November 21, 2013 Direct links to transcripts are provided: • Ms. Alina Romanowski PDF Deputy Assistant Administrator Middle East Bureau U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Washington, DC • Mr. Richard Schmierer PDF Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Near Eastern Affairs U.S. Department of State Washington, DC • Ms. Amanda Dory PDF Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense African Affairs U.S. Department of Defense Washington, DC In addition, you may consult testimonies by these Not For Profit interests/experts: ◦ Dr. William Lawrence Visiting Professor of Political Science and International Affairs George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs Washington, DC ◦ Dr. Frederic Wehrey PDF Senior Associate in the Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Washington, DC ◦ Mr. Thomas Joscelyn PDF Senior Fellow Foundation for Defense of Democracies Washington, DC Wyden Hearing Statement on the African Growth and Opportunity Act PDF Joint Statement on the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit and the 13th Annual AGOA Forum SR225.PS-Report of the Committee on Finance Bill (S. 3326) to Amend AGOA September 20, 2012 U N I T E D N A T I O N S Reports • No. 16 - African U.S. Trade in the Spotlight: A Decade of AGOA PDF • Report on a Survey of AGOA's Past, Present and Future Prospects: The Experiences and Expectations of Sub-Saharan Africa PDF Web Pages • Reducing poverty, promoting prosperity and protecting the planet • Sustainable Transformation through Trade and Technology - AGOA 2013 • UN Economic Commission for Africa CREDITS Subject Matter Expert:

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Instructional Designer: Robert Wright Tara Schiller David Amdur Project Manager:

Image Credits: Julie Greunke ©iStockphoto.com/TommL, U.S. Department of State, General Accountability Office, U.S. Senate, United Nations L i c e n s e d u n d e r a C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n 3 . 0 L i c e n s e .