Assignment 2: LASA: Therapeutic and Forensic Roles

Assignment 2: LASA: Therapeutic and Forensic Roles 1

Writing an Argumentative Essay

What is an argumentative essay?

“An argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate topics; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner” (Baker, Brizee, & Angeli, 2013).

Preparing to write an argumentative essay

  • Select a specific, debatable issue for discussion.

    • Be sure that the issue you select is debatable. You cannot argue a factual statement which lacks opposing and supporting sides.

    • The issue should be specific. Some debatable issues may contain multiple topics that could be used as the sole focus of a paper. For example, the issue of “legalizing drugs” contains multiple topics such as legalizing marijuana, the effectiveness of the FDA, and whether a painkiller made in Europe should be allowed in the U.S. (“How to write an argumentative essay”, n.d.).

  • Create a clear, concise, and defined thesis.

    • The thesis will establish your stance on the topic and set the tone of your paper.

    • A clearly defined thesis is a crucial step in composing an effective and persuasive essay.

  • Thoroughly research both sides of the issue.

    • The argumentative essay requires that the thesis is supported by well-researched, accurate, detailed, current, and unbiased information. To fulfill this requirement, it’s important to research information that both supports and opposes your thesis.


  • 1-2 paragraphs

  • PURPOSE: To set up the tone and position of your paper.


    • Opening hook to catch your reader’s attention.

    • Background information:

      • Lays the foundation for proving your argument.

      • May include a summary of current scholarship, definition of key terms, and explanation of applicable theories.

    • Thesis statement:

      • Will establish your stance on the topic and set the tone of the paper.

      • Should be clear, concise, and defined.

Body paragraphs

Please note that these are two suggestions (out of many) on organizing the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay.

  • 3-4 paragraphs

  • PURPOSE: To provide your argument and supporting evidence and counterargument(s).


    • OPTION 1:

      • Present both sides of the issue with an assessment of each.

        • This will showcase your research and expertise on the subject.

      • State your opinion and explain why you chose that side.

    • OPTION 2:

      • State your opinion.

      • Explain why you chose that side by providing supporting evidence.

        • Select the strongest supporting evidence from your research.

        • Introduce, state, and explain your evidence.

      • Acknowledge the other side’s arguments and disprove/refute them.

        • Show that the other side’s arguments are “not reasonable, not logical, or not effective” (“How to write an argumentative essay”, n.d.).

        • End the section with a sentence that reasserts your opinion.


The conclusion should be the climax of your paper that drives your argument. Note that the conclusion determines the reader’s final impression of your essay.

  • 1 paragraph

  • PURPOSE: Remind readers of your thesis statement and supporting evidence. Illustrate that you’ve thought critically and analytically about the topic. Convince your readers of the importance of your topic.


    • Restate your thesis statement.

      • Do not simply retype your introduction paragraph(s).

    • Summary of the supporting evidence stated in the body paragraphs.

    • Stronger explanation of the importance of your topic.

      • The explanation should be more advanced compared to the one discussed in the introduction.


  • List references that you directly cited in your paper.

  • Follow the required citation style when formatting your references.


Baker, J., Brizee, A., & Angeli, E. (2013, March 10). Argumentative essays. Retrieved from

How to write an argumentative essay. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Argumentative paper format. (n.d.). Retrieved from Paper Format.pdf

Updated 8/18/16