Cost Management Assessment Help

Electronic Submission of Work Students should also be aware that it is their respon sibility to ensure that work submitted in electronic format can be opened on a faculty compute r and to check that any electronic submissions have been successfully uploaded. If it cannot be opened, it will not be marked.

Any required file formats will be specified in the assi gnment brief and failure to comply with these submission requirements will result in work not bei ng marked. Students must retain a copy of all electronic work they have submitted and resubmit if requested. Learning Outcomes to be Assessed: · Compare the relationship between cost, shape and size o f projects and sites specifics and be able to advise and guide other members o f the design team appropriately, in the framework of the existing UK econ omy · Assess the impact and implications on early cost advice d ue to changes of varies attributes such as location and time for tendering Assessment Details: Deliverable 2 (contributes to 50% of the overall asse ssment) 1) Knowledge of elemental cost estimating (20%) 2) Assessment approach to costing exercise (30%) 3) Accuracy and explanation of assessment (40%) 4) Overall presentation, Assumptions, report writing a nd Referencing (10%) ---------------------- Total: 100 % Background The two tasks for Deliverable 2 is a continuation of the t asks described in Deliverable One.

You are required to estimate building costs by rebasing the time and location difference and assess the cost implication due to increase in storey heig ht of the houses and grouping of houses. Task 1 The proposed residence development as described in Deliverable 1 is assumed to be located in given location and the estimate you previously prod uced for Deliverable 1 to be based on the 1 st Quarter of 2017. Your client is planning to pursue a simi lar dwelling development in a different city. You should assume the location of the new development for this task to be situated in one of the following locations with referen ce to the last digit of your student number: Table 1- Location of the project details.

Last digit of student No Location of the project Qatar 0,4,8 Al Rayyan 1,5,9 Madinat ash Shamal 2,6 Al Wakrah 3,7 Al Khor Ex - 1713430 1 Location - Madinat ash Shamal You should assume the location of the new development for this task to be situated in one of the following locations with reference to the before the last digit of your student number: Table 2- Details for period for the project to be award ed.

The number before the last digit of student No Assumed period for the project to be awarded 0,4,8 3rd quarter of 2017 1,5,9 4th quarter of 2017 2,6 1st quarter of 2018 3,7 2nd quarter of 2018 Ex - 171343 01 has to estimate for, Period - 3rd quarter of 2017 The site area of the new development is 9000m². In the preliminary plan, the client wants to make use of the building design of the residence houses t o save the time and cost for design.

The client, however, wants to change the storey height of the development from 2.8m to 3.5m. Using the given time and location factors (Appen dix - 01) estimate produced for Deliverable 1, prepare a cost plan for the new develop ment.

Task 2 Following from Task 1, the client now realises that affor dability could be an issue for the new development. A study shows that the market for relativ ely compact houses is stronger.

Responding to the market needs, the client is thinking to develop smaller semi-residence houses instead of the residence houses in the original pl an. The client wants you to advise on the cost implication of reducing the house unit size and increase the number of houses to 24 units. Assume that the overall GIA of the whole devel opment remains unchanged and make any necessary further assumptions, evaluate the cost imp lication of the revised scheme. Assessment Criteria 1. Knowledge of elemental cost estimate 2. Assessment approach to costi ng exercise 3. Accuracy and explanation of assessment 4. Presentation Weighting: 20% 30% 40% 10% Grading Criteria 0 – 29% Fail to demonstrate e ven a superficial unde rstanding of the use of cost da ta and cost implications of design attributes. Fail to make use of a proper approa ch to evaluate cost An unexplained p resentation or missin g o f a cost estimate, an d n o justifications of th e cos t implications. Inapp ropriate or oversimplified evaluat ion me thods are used. A l ot o f significant calculatio n errors are found. A poor presentation tha t is very difficult to read , no reference s a re made, calculations are imp ossible to be traced. 30 – 39% Demonstrate a supe rficial unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications of d esign attributes. No consideration o f mod el assumptions is mad e. Lack a me thodological app roach to a nalyse an d draw conclusions for t he cos ting exercise. A very weak explanation of how and why the c ost es timate is arrived at, an d lack of justificatio ns o f the cost implication s.

M ajor errors in the anal ysis showing a lac k o f skill. A few signific ant ca lculation errors are found . A presentation that is difficult to follow. A lot of g rammatical or typ o e rrors are found sug gesting the repo rt ha s not been proof- read , references u sed a re generally not cit ed o r referenced, a lot of ca lculations and bu ild- up s are not provi ded. 40 – 49% Demonstrate a supe rficial unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications of d esign attributes . Cost m odel assumptions are so mewhat consider ed bu t some essentia l co nsiderations are missed out. Present an ill defined log ical approach to a nalyse and dra w co nclusions for t he cos ting exercise. A weak explanation of ho w and why the cos t es timate is arrived at, an d lack of justification s o f the cost implication s.

A ppropriate evaluatio n me thods are used bu t majo r errors are found .

A lot of minor calculation errors are found. A presentation that lacks a consistent s tyle.

S ome obvious grammatical or typ o e rrors are found sug gesting the repo rt ha s not been proof- read , A lot of refere nces u sed are not cited o r re ferenced, a lot of calculations and b uild- u ps are difficult to follow. 50 – 59% Demonstrate a clear unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications o f des ign attributes. S ome rele vant assumptio ns a re stated although a fe w essential considerations are not tak en into accoun t fully. Allude to a me thodological treatment to ana lyse an d draw conclusions for t he cos ting exercise. An explanation of how an d why the cost estimate is arrived at, an d somewhat jus tifications of the cost implications ba sed on some calculations. Appropriate evaluation methods are used but minor errors are found. A few minor calculation errors are found. A presentation which ha s a consistent sty le bu t the report forma t is no t followed strictly , so me minor grammatical or typ o e rrors are found, Re ferences used ar e ci ted in general but some used materia ls a re not referenced, some calculations a nd bui ld-ups are diffic ult to follow. Submission Details: W ork should be submitted electronically via Moodle upl oad. You are required to submit one file in W ord of PDF vector format containing your answer fo r each of the tasks in the format of a cost report and one file in Excel format containing the c alculations and working of your answer. The maximum file size for each of file is 10MB.

The prices must be indexed and adjusted to the current date and location. If indices are not available in your country, adjustment is then carried out based on discretion and argument. 60 – 69% Demonstrate a clear unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications of d esign attribute s, an d supported b y e vidence of som e reas onable considerations in as sumption setting . Describe a practical app roach for anal ysis and drawing conclusions, arguments in gene ral are su pport w ith evidence fo r th e costing exercise. An explanation of how an d why the cost estimate is at and wha t as sumptions are carri ed an d some justification s o f the cost implication s bas ed on the calculations that apply e valuation methods suitably. Generally, there is no major calculation error found tha t affects the conclusions. A presentation, which is c lear and easy to fo llow.

No major grammati cal a nd typo errors, r eport fo rmat is observed , R eferences used a re ci ted in general, calculations and b uild- u ps are by and larg e tr aceable. 70 – 79% Demonstrate a clear unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications of d esign attributes, an d supported by evidence of some reas onable considerations in assumption setting .

Da ta are sourced app ropriately and arguments for the use of them are explained clearly. Describe a practical app roach for anal ysis and drawing conclusions, arguments in gene ral are su pport w ith evidence fo r th e costing exercise. An articulated explanation of how and why the cost estimate is arrived at and what assumptions are carried and convincing justifications of the cost implications based on the calculations that apply evaluation methods correctly. No calculation error is found. A good presentation w hich is easy to rea d, fr ee of grammatica l an d typo errors, and in a cost report forma t, re ferences used a re clea rly cited and list ed, ca lculations and bu ild- up s are fully tracea ble. 80 – 100% Demonstrate a clear unde rstanding of th e us e of cost data an d cos t implications of d esign attributes, and w ill be supported b y e vidence of both deep an d wide ranging consideration in se tting a ssumptions.

Da ta are sourced app ropriately and arguments for the use o f them are all explained clearly w ith s trong justifications . Describe a rigorous app roach with scientific me thodology fo r anal ysis and conclusions for t he cos ting exercise. A clearly articulated e xplanation of how an d w hy the cost estimate is a rrived and convincing ju stifications of the co st imp lications based on the ca lculations that appl y app ropriate evaluatio n me thods precisely. No ca lculation error is fou nd. A polished presentation, which is stylish references used, are cited and listed strictly following a particular referencing system, cost report format is professionally presented, calculations and build -ups are traceable. Checklist Assumptions Inc lusions Exclusion Element units Application of NRM1 and other relevant rules Arithmetic errors D imensions Ca lculation Use of diagrams and ta bles Arguments for cost differences Spelling Gr ammar Punctuation Paragraphs Titled diagrams Re ferencing Bibliography Page breaks If you submit an assessment late at the first attempt then you will be subject to one of the following penalties:

· If the submission is made up to two hours following the deadline, the mark that you achieve will be deducted by 10%. If this deduction takes you below the pass threshold then you will be capped at that t hreshold, ie 40% ; (*For example: work awarded a mark of 60% would become 54%) · If the submission is made between two hours and up to 5 da ys following the deadline, your mark will be capped at the pass th reshold ; · If the submission is made after 5 days following the deadline, your work will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked.

If you submit a reassessment late then it will be deem ed as a fail and returned to you unmarked. Workload:

This is primarily a cost report with a significant part of the works coming from calculations. The report has a word count limit of 1200 words not including any reference list, appendices, figures and tables. Typically students are expected to take up to 27 hours to complete this assignment.

Feedback: Your submission will be marked against the assessment crite ria described above.

You shall expect to receive a mark sheet showing your ac hievement for each criterion and an overall feedback of your submission in the format of written feedback or recorded audio feedback that highlights you r strengths and weaknesses, and areas for potential improvement. Marks and Feedback on your work will normally be provid ed within 20 working days of its submission deadline.

Revised 17/05/2017 Appendix - 01 Location Factor - Qatar Doha 115 Al Rayyan 107 Madinat ash Shamal 108 Al Wakrah 99 Al Khor 98 Time Factor Year Quarter 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2015 1732 1761 1777 1775 2016 1775 1776 1783 1790 2017 1797 1804 1811* 1818* 2018 1825* 1832* 1839* 1846* 2019 1853* 1860* 1867* 1874* 1234* - index is proposed for cost estimating