Derivative Exercise


Name ___________________________ Due _______________ (worth 50 points)

Below are six functions. Find the first derivative of each. Space is provided. Use good dark ink if you are returning this by a scanned version. All of the derivatives can be found by using combinations of the constant rule, power function rule and sum-difference rule. The product rule is not needed. The degree of difficulty (more or less) increases from (a) to (f). Be sure to show intermediate work. Check the scoring rubric to see how the points will be awarded. For example, the first derivative of the function: is

Although this can be simplified to:

please do not simplify your answer. I can better diagnose your differentiation difficulties. This also avoids more algebraic mistakes on your part. Hint: To make either (e) or (f) easier, multiply the two parts together first, then find the derivative of the resulting product. This avoids the need to use the product rule. Good Luck!


dY/dQ =


dY/dX =


dQ/dP =


dT/dU =


dZ/dW =


dZ/dX =

Differ1.doc September 9, 2016