phd isaac newton/LB



Name: Lakeatha Brown

St Thomas University

Setting description.

The aforementioned research tittle is to be done by green card Africa in a school namely African Nazarene preschool. We involve this school since it has got almost all ages that are in the scope of study. The school is generally big and is graded best in proving early child hood educational results. The people to be involved are children as from age 0 to age 8 years.

Statement of problem.

For quite a good period of time, a question has been hovering all over our premises asking whether the early child hood education really build up on the character of the children between the ages mentioned earlier. This has been quite demanding and so a research was cited to establish this the facts behind this statement.

Subject matter.

This topic mainly dwells on the importance of early childhood education, the curriculum involved and not forgetting its definition.


As discussed in the previous paper, this study is mainly a descriptive type of study. This is termed to be so since it shows the adaptive characteristics that defines the quality of child behavior. This study defines relationship between the child and the type of education given to the child. The future of a person is determined by the type of education ones is given during his early childhood education. His or her consciousness is developed by the training they are given.

Early childhood development helps in building the emotional, social and physical features of a young child. This automatically has a direct effect on their overall development and on the adult they will become. We need to understand that there is always the need to invest in every young child. This will help us maximize their future well-being.

Generally early childhood education includes the features aforementioned earlier that is social, emotional, language and cognitive domains of development. All these features are equally important. They build up on strong influences well-being, obesity/stunting, mental health, heart disease, competence in literacy and numeracy, criminality and economic participation.

A child’s emotions are one aspect that determines whether they can withhold high self-esteem or not. A low self-esteem person is a good picture of a child that was treated poorly in his or her environment. Emotions builds on the self-confidence of person. It is one aspect that will surely give the picture of a good leader or rather a leader by virtue of standards. Strong emotions will give the child to accomplish more than if they could be emotionally ill. Ill emotions are a strong waver to successful persons. We can never be sure enough on how to build this. However, we can substantiate this by the procedural architecture of the early childhood education.

Social factors are also a good quality that a child needs to develop to become a well-mannered person or rather as strong character person. An example of social factors is participating in events, be sociable, chatting, making pals rather than foes and many other things that makes the outward picture of us. Social factors are there to make us happy in all ways possible. Some sites that are termed as social sites are; fields, hotels and restaurants, swimming pools, working places, schools and even hospitals. It’s this factor that enable us associate easily or rarely with others. A child whose social factors is well developed can easily become a sanguine or rather an extrovert, one person who is never closed to themselves.

Physical features are just the body features. Physical development is necessary in childhood development. It includes both growth and ability to use muscles and body parts for particular skills. Both gross/large muscle movements and fine/small muscle movements motor skills contribute to physical development. Children often learn a set of skills by a certain age.

This can be developed when one does good playing while they were young. It helps us build on our physic. A child’s play will determine what activities the child can engage in when he or she is old. A child who does not necessarily get involved in these sporty activities might build up a weird body physique. The child develops a weak body and in most cases the child becomes lazy in some way.

Cognitive development is another aspect that is critical in a child’s growth. His or her mental growth depends on how the kid is trained. The mental process makes the child either responsible or of the most important cognitive shifts in the preschool years that occurs between three to four year olds is the development of symbolic thought. Symbolic thought is just the ability to mentally or symbolically represent concrete objects, actions and events (Piaget, 1952)

In as much as this character develop due to early child hood training, there must be one person who does the training. The parent is the first person who needs to train the child. The parent is responsible to building up this behavior between the ages of 0 years to 2 years. It’s from here that the child will undergo preschool education. This is termed as the nursery in most cases. Other names tagged to it are kindergarten or preprimary.

The preschool is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children usually between the ages of 3 years and 5 years. Some bright children usually join as early as 2years or even two and a half years. Children usually enter the kindergarten or the preschool during age’s five to six and many states do not begin mandating education until age 7. However, whether it is mandatory or not, it is still highly encouraged. Though kindergarten is more formal, it still qualifies as early as early childhood education because students are under the age of 8 years old. Basically, early childhood education is a tremendous physical, cognitive, socio emotional and language development.

The preschool is one level that also has got an integrated curriculum. This is basically described as one that connects different areas of study by cutting across subject matter lines and emphasizing unifying concepts. Integration mainly focuses on making connections for students allowing them to engage in relevant, meaningful activities that can be connected to real life.

The early child education promotes exercise and this is good enough to help make up a good health. And that can be a habit. This habit can help in promoting healthy growth and development and help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. More sports will help the child improve their posture, balance, coordination, strength and even cardiovascular fitness.

This then shifts to the primary or the compulsory education.


Early childhood education is necessary in developing proper character in each and every young person. The cognitive skills and he body fitness is necessary for a health living and development. A person’s ability to reason up with the environment depends on the history of his childhood.


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