Research paper on gta 5 (series0 violence in the game creates real world violence

Orphan 1 Chelsey Orphan Prof. R. Muhlbock INDS 1033 -40 December 4, 2009 Changing the Game: How EA C halleng es Established Norms in the Video Game Industry Video and computer gaming is a continuously growing industry. Within the last ten years the gaming industry‟s revenue has increased from $4.8 billion to $11.7 billion in the United States alone (“2009 Essential Facts ”). With this increase in the number of video game sales, large companies are needed to help expand and improve the industry. Electronic Arts (EA) is a large company that has been growing along with the gaming industry s ince its founding in 1982 (“Electronic Arts ”). By December 2010, Electronic Arts is expected to own 21% of the market shares from the video game industry, thus having a significant impact on the gaming world (“Wikinvest ”). Electronic Arts positively influences the gaming industry by catering to a wider gaming audience and by connecting the gaming industry with other industries. Electronic Arts cater s to a wider gaming audience by acknowledging that there is a large percentage of female gamers and that very few games are specifically made for them. Most of our society views gaming as being male based; however, 40% of gamers are female (“2009 Essential Facts ”). Over the past few years, Electronics Arts has conducted research to determine what female gamers want from a game (Yukari). By recognizing this they are working towards producing more games that are girl friendly: “„The [female] market is there no w, ‟ says Chip Lange, vice president and general manager of EA's Hasbro Studio. „We basically spent the last year focused on attacking and building products for an entirely new market‟” (Lawton). Great 2 -point thesis Excellent MLA header and title. Topic sentence dealing directly with thesis point. Great use of sources, all correctly formatted Orphan 2 Electronic Arts has recently joined together with Hasbro to c reate LITTLEST PET SHOP video games. LITTLEST PET SHOP has rapidly become one of the top girl brands since its original launch in 2005 (Pawtucket). By bringing in the popular LITTLEST PET SHOP to video game form, Electronic Arts has attracted more female g amers. Realizing the need for girl games and acting upon it, Electronic Arts has helped the industry acknowledge the need for girl -based games and has consequently increased the number of female gamers. Electronic Arts not only realizes that there is a potential larger female audience, but also that there are people from a wide range of ages playing video games. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has put ratings on games depending on their content. They have categorized games under E for Everyone, E +10 for ages over ten, T for Teen, M for Mature (17+) and A for Adult (18+) ( “Electronic Arts ”). If a company only produc es M rated games, they are restricting their audience by limiting the number of people who can play and buy them. A recent study shows that 25% of gamers are under the age o f 18, 49% are 18 -49 and 26% are 50+ ( “2009 Essential Facts ”). Electronic Arts has come out with many games with many different ratings. A few popular examples are Marvel Nemesis (T), Madden NFL ’07 (E), Need For Speed (E 10+), Left 4 Dead (M) and Dante’s Inferno (A) ( Oakley ). Recently Electronic Arts launched their Hasbro Family Game Night. The intent is to provide entertainment for the whole family, with games like Battleship , Yahtzee , Boggle , Connect Four and Sorry! (Lawton). This cleverly provides a gam e that combines different age groups, and therefore widens the audience. By providing games for many different age groups, it again opens up the gaming market to more people. Electronic Arts has not only attracted larger audiences to the gaming world, but has also helped combine different industries together. Electronic Arts has teamed up with multiple Topic sentence dealing directly with thesis point. Great use of sources, all correctly formatted 2-point thesis Great use of examples Topic sentence dealing directly with second thesis point. Orphan 3 companies from the movie sector to incorporate people‟s favourite Hollywood hits into action packed games. The movie industry does amazing business and by combining the two industries, Electronic Arts has increas ed gaming sales and audiences. Recently popular movies that have been converted to video games by Electronic Arts are both the Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings series, G.I. Joe , and the Godfather (“Electronic Arts”). The movie, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King brought in the 11 th all time most box office sales with $377, 019, 252 (“IMDB”) . Electronic Arts The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King game brought in $5.5 million ( “Top 100 PC” ). By bringing such popular movies to video games, Electr onic Arts has increased overall game revenues, which greatly benefits the gaming industry. The most recent joining of Electronic Arts is with Ludlum Entertainment, bringing Jason Bourne to video games: “„Robert Ludlum's Jason Bourne is the most exciting a ction hero to emerge in decades, thrilling audiences around the world...[the game is] bringing the action, intrigue and intensity of Robert Ludlum's fiction to life for casual and core gamers around the globe‟” ("Ludlum Entertainment"). Thus Electronic Art s has successfully helped to combine the movie industry with the gaming industry by bringing Hollywood blockbusters to games. Electronic Arts has not only brought the movie industry into the gaming world, but they have also been very successful combining games with popular sports companies. Electronic Arts has games based on football, soccer, basketball, go lf, hockey, fighting, fitness, tennis, racing and more. In fact, they have so many sports games that they have their own brand name called EA Sports (“NCAA Basketball ”). EA Sports has teamed up with huge well -known sports compan ies to bring people more gam es: “EA SPORTSTM [sic] is the leading interactive sports software brand in the world, with top -selling titles and franchises including Madden NFL , FIFA Soccer , NHL(R) hockey , NBA LIVE basketball , NCAA(R) Football , and Tiger Woods PGA TOUR (R) ” Great use of examples Great use of sources, all correctly formatted 2-point thesis Topic sentence dealing directly with second thesis point. Orphan 4 (“NCAA Basket ball ”). These are all extremely popular sports companies that in conjunction with Electronic Arts are bringing more advertisement to the gaming world. Electronic Arts‟ domination of the sports video game market began “… when it paid a reported $400 million to the National Football League for exclusive rights to include the NFL players, sights and sounds that enliven the "Madden" games” (Terdiman). This may seem to be a lot of money to pay for exclusive rights, but it paid off: “Electronic Arts announced tha t in just seven days it had sold 1.7 million copies of the new, $50 edition of its “Madden ” video football game. It was the best first -week of sales in the 16 years EA has sold the h it game ” (Terdiman). Football is a very popular American sport w ith hundre ds of thousands of fans attending every game. Accordingly, Electronic Arts is the only company selling NFL football video games and therefore they have all these fans buying their games. By creating games of different sports, Electronic Arts has helped enc ourage sports fans to become fans of games. Introducing sports fans to gaming has amalgamated the industries and allows t hem to work together as a team for mutual benefits. In conclusion, Electronic Arts has helped improve the gaming industry by creating a wider gaming audience and by connecting different industries together. Electronic Arts has conducted research to learn what is needed to improve the gaming industry. They have used their findings to create more female -oriented games, since they discovered there were more females playing video games than games designed for females . They have also ensured that the games they crea te cover many different age groups and ratings so that every gamer can find a game they love. Electronic Arts has also successfully brought together the gaming industry with both the sports and the movie industries. In 2005, Electronic Arts spent $633 mill ion on research and development; this could be why they are creating top selling games that are changing the gaming world (Terdiman). Topic sentence restates thesis points. At 4 full pages, essay is the perfect length. Remember: 3.5 pages is NOT 4!

page s! Orphan 5 Work Cited "2009 Essential Facts About The Computer and Video Game Industry." The ESA . 2009. Entertainment Software Association, Web. 20 Nov 2009.

. "About Us." Electronic Arts . Electronic Arts, Web. 20 Nov 2009. . "All -Time Box Office: USA ." IMDB . 29 Nov 2009. Web. 20 Nov 2009. . "Electronic Arts ERTS." Wikinvest . Web. 20 Nov 2009. . "It's Time to Celebrate the Holiday Season With Best Friends as EA Launches LITTLEST PET SHOP Friends on the Wii and Nintendo DS. " Telecommunications Weekly 4 Nov. 2009: ProQuest Science Jour nals, ProQuest. Fanshawe College. London, ON. 26 Nov. 2009. Lawton, Christopher. "Game Makers Push 'Family' Fare; Companies Hope Less Violent Videogames Bring New Users, but Sales Are Uncertain." Wall Street Journal. Oct 29, 2008, Eastern edition: B.8. Proquest. Fanshawe College. London, ON. 26 Nov.

2009.. "Ludlum Entertainment Grants EA the Exclusive Video Game License for the Work s of Robert Ludlum." Electronics Business Journal. Atlanta . (2009): 47. Proquest. Fanshawe College. London, ON. 26 Nov. 2009.

. "NCAA Basketball 10 From EA Sports in Sto res Now. " Computer Weekly News 3 Dec. 2009: ProQuest Science Journals, ProQuest. Fanshawe College. London, ON. 26 Nov. 2009. Pawtucket, R.I. "Hasbro to Open Doors of the LITTLEST PET SHOP VIPs Boutique in Manhattan Allowing Gi rls to Step into the World of the Just -Released VIPs Virtual Interactive Pets." Business Wire (2007): n. pag. Web. 20 Nov 2009. Amazingly well researched and correctly formatted MLA Works Cited list: sources are listed alphabetically and have hang ing indents. Orphan 6 . Terdiman, Daniel. "EA invests big in the future." cnet news 24 Aug, 2005: n. pag. Web. 20 Nov 2009. . “The Top 100 PC Games of the 21st Century .” 25 Aug 2006. EDGE, Web. 26 Nov 2009. . Trevor Oakley. "Circulating Video Games. " School Library Journal 1 Apr. 2008: Research Library, ProQuest. Fanshawe College. London, ON. 26 Nov. 2009. Yukari Iwatani Kane. "Videogame Firms Make a Play for Women --- Publishers Roll Out Fashion -Themed Games for Girls, Workout and Dance Titles for Older Females. " Wall Street Journal 13 Oct. 2009, Eastern edition: ABI/INFORM Global. Web. 26 Nov. 2009.