Find a current WSJ article (within the past 12 months) that relates to Business Ethics and what might get in the way of ethical decision making in the business world. See the attached file for the WSJ template. The entire assignment should not be more


The Wall Street Journal

Name - Trimester


MAN Course Number-Day of Class


Due Date:

Submitted Date:

Course Day/Time

Week No./Date Due:

Bibliographic Citation using APA Format: See page 200, NO. 10 in the APA Manual if the article is sourced from TWSJ newspaper. See page 200, NO. 11 in the APA Manual if the article is sourced online.


(60-100 of your own words) Questions to consider include: What is the concept covered in the article, and what is the author’s point of view? No quotations may be used.


This is the most important part of the paper. Thus, it should be the richest with critical thinking. Here the student must discern, describe, and define the specific scholarly concepts, theories, or issues which the article illustrates, provide an in-depth application and analysis of how they are applied to the referenced article, and synthesize new meaning or prediction as a result of the action or situation described in the article. No quotations may be used from any source.


Here the student is expected to provide insight as to why she or he believes the scholarly concepts applied were relevant, to discuss any personal experiences which would support this position, and to predict what will be the results or consequences as a result of the action or situation described in the article. Critical thinking should be expressed in third person such as, “This researcher …,” “This student …” Do not use “I”, “we,” “our,” “you,” or any other form of indefinite you.