Unit 4 assignment 1

In my project I choose to focus on creating a youth program. In my community we have three youth programs which are conducting in the summer, which children who attended these reading program are recommend by the school because the children are below level in reading and they need extra help to bring them to their level. The demographics of my community is that 40.85 percent of white, 50.22 percent are black,0.00 percent are native American and 0.00 percent claim other, 4.86 percent of the people claim Hispanic meaning 95.14 percent or non-Hispanic (Saint Helena Island). The demographic of my community on the children reading level is 1,068 exceeded their reading, 1,990 are ready for reading, 2,496 are close to being ready for reading and 3,335 are in need of support, which the program that I will create will help children who are close and in need of help with their reading.

  • Are there similar organizations already meeting this need? If so, how will your organization stand out?

-There are some organizations are meeting these needs, but I truly believe that my organization will stand out because my program will be all year around instead of just a program during the summer. I will have tutors available to help children who are struggling with reading and y program will allow the children to feel comfortable with reading with the help of tutors because they are getting that one on one help that they need.

  • Is there community support for this initiative? If so, identify where the support will come from within the community.

-Yes, there is community support for this initiative, the parents and teachers will support this initiative because our goal is for students to achieve all their goals and help them in the areas that they need and bring up their reading scores and help children get on their correct reading level.

  • Would long-term sustainability be a concern?

No, long-term sustainability will not be a concern because we are helping individuals who are struggling with reading and encouraging children to never give up and with the help with tutors and parents this program will be successful.

  • Consider different approaches to the problem and determine if your focus is the most effective approach to the problem.

-Different approaches to this problem will be making reading fun, by playing games and giving prizes to those who get a certain amount of words correct. Children learn fast through songs so I will make reading fun so that I am able to keep their interest and attention. This will be the most effective approach because you are making reading fun and keeping the children attention.

South Carolina State Report Card (10 July 2017) Retrieved from ed.sc.gov/assets/reportcards/2016/elem/c/e0701020.pdf

  • What is your passion, and is it tied into your topic?

-My passion is to help and motivate young children to be the best that can be, also to give children that one on one help in all areas that they struggle in. Yes my passion is tied into my topic, I want to help the children to be on their reading level and make sure that they are getting the help that they need to become great readers,

  • How will your passion motivate you to create change?

-My passion motivates me to create change because I am eager and willing to help all children to bring up there reading level. Children are our future and we have to make sure they get the best education possible.

  • Do others in your community share this passion?

-Yes, others in my community share this passion because they don’t want to lose their children to the street, so they create programs and sign children up to help them in the areas of need. A lot of children struggle with reading and they are a few programs that are offered and signed their children up to get the help that they need.

  • How will passion for what you are doing help develop ideals and standards in your work with community organizations?

-My passion in making a youth program to help children with their reading will help develop ideals and standards in work with community organization, I will do more than is required of me, share the ideas on how I will help the children to bring their reading levels up. Also have different reading and word games to keep the children attention and eager to learn.

  • What is the difference between purposeful idealism and naïve idealism?

-Purposeful idealism is when you are in pursuit of a higher cause noble cause. Naïve idealism has no purpose other than to satisfy a person mindset.