Civil Engenring Assignment

Ass ess m ent Details: Deli verable 1 (contributes to 50% of the overall ass ess m ent) 1) Knowledge of elemental cost estimating ( 20 % ) 2) A ss ess m ent approach to costing exercise ( 30 % ) 3) Accuracy and explanation of assessment ( 40 % ) 4) Overall presentation , Assumptions, report writing and referencing ( 10 % ) ---------------------- Total: 100 % Bac kground Your company has been asked by a develop er to estim ate the con struction cost for 10 residence houses. The site area is 4000m². The propo sed d evelop m ent is in its con ceptual design stage. The design er has created the prelim inary bu ilding plans, elevation s and a section for the dwelling (See drawing s as shown on App end ix A).

The drawing shows the architectural design on ly. No structural, plum bing , drainage, and electrical services drawing s have been develop ed. In add ition to the drawing s in App end ix A, the design er has given a brief specification and a finishes schedu le (See T ables 1 and 2). Table 1: Brief specification for proposed 2-storey resid ence houses Ref W ork s Description s Proposed Project Past Project 1 Found ation s -750 x 500mm deep r einforced con crete strip found ation s -750 x 500mm deep r einforced con crete strip found ation s 2 G/F floo r slab - 225mm t hick in-situ G25,160mm thick con crete slab - 225mm t hick in-situ G20,18 0mm thick con crete slab 3 1/F floo r slab - 160mm thick concrete slab with beams - 180mm thick concrete slab with beams 4 Roo f - Pitched roo f w ith tim ber r afters and pu rlins,250mm thick t im ber joist susp ended floo r - Pitched roo f w ith tim ber r afters and pu rlins,250mm t hick t im ber joist susp ended floo r 5 Stairs - 1100mm w ide concrete staircase - 1000mm w ide concrete staircase 6 W indo ws - Aluminium doub le glazed w indo ws - Aluminium doub le glazed w indo ws 7 External w alls - 215mm ( overall thickness ) con taining block w all - 215mm ( overall thickness ) con taining brick wall 8 External w all Finishes - Refer the table 2 - 9 Internal w alls - 1 hour fire rated 102.5mm t hick block w alls for k itchen and 100mm t hick stud partition s for the rest of the dwelling -1 hour fire rated 102.5mm t hick block w alls for k itchen and 100mm t hick stud partition s for the rest of the dwelling 10 Doo rs - Timber panel door - Timber panel door Table 2: Finishes Schedu le with prime cost Floor and Skirting W all Ceiling Garage - Cement and sand scree d (QAR 90 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 70 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 51 /m ²) Ki tchen - Porcelain tiles and scree d (QAR 34 /m ²) - Porcelain tiled skirting (QAR 15 /m ) Approx. 5m 2 Porcelain tiles to w all and screed ( QAR 33 /m ²) - Plaster and paint to the r est (QAR 70 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 51 / m ²) Bathroo m - Porcelain tiles and scree d (QAR 34 /m ²) - Ceram ic tiles and scree d (QAR 30 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 51 /m ²) Loung e, Di ning , - t im ber flooring (QAR 50 /m ²) - Tim ber skirting with paint (QAR 20 /m ) - Plaster and paint (QAR 30 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 51 /m ²) Corrido r, St airca se and Bedroo m s - Carpet floo ring (QAR 34 /m ²) - Tim ber skirting with paint (QAR 20 /m ) - Plaster and p aint (QAR 30 /m ²) - Plaster and paint (QAR 51 /m ²) Note: The student should use the prime cost to calculate the finishes works for this proposed project. Ass ess m ent Criteria: As a cost consultant, Task 1 Mea sure the gross internal area (GIA) for the bu ilding from the appended drawing s. T he definition of GIA can be found in the New Rules of Mea surem ent (N RM). Task 2 Acc ording to the fourth edition of the Standard Form of Cost Analysis (SFCA), measure t he e lem ent un it qu antities for the following elem ents of the ty pical bu ilding : • Sub structure • Upper floo rs • Stairs • Roo f • External W alls • W indo ws & External D oo rs • Internal W alls & Partition s • Internal D oo rs • W all Finishes • Floo r Finishes • Ceiling Finishes Task 3 Your collea gu e has identified the elem ents for the develop m ent as shown in Table 3. W ith reference to the elem ent un it qu antities calculated in Task 2 a n d u s i n g t h e p r i m e c o s t i n t a b l e 0 2 with necessary ass um ption s, estim ate the cost of the develop m ent using elem ental cost estim ating app roach.

You shou ld make use of un it rates from app rop riate cost databases estim ate. You shou ld also describe all ass um ption s made includ ing the arguments for t he a ss um ption s, and explain all the inclusion s and exclusion s of your estim ate.

Please find the location of the project as Doha. Table 3: Element unit rates for proposed 2-storey residence house Element Element Unit Rate 1 Substructure To be determined 2.1 Frame To be determined 2.2 Upper floo rs To be determined 2.3 Roo f To be determined 2.4 Stairs To be determined 2.5 External w alls To be determined 2.6 W indo ws and external doors To be determined 2.7 Internal w alls and partition s To be determined 2.8 Internal doors To be determined 3.1 W all finishes T o be determined 3.2 Floo r finishes To be determined 3.3 Ceiling finishes To be determined 4 Fitting s, Fu rnishing s and Equ ipment 5% of floor finishes item 5 Services 1 5% of the total of items 1 to 4 6.1 Site works 5% of the sub structure item 6.2 Dr ainage 5% of the service item 6.3 External services 10% of the service item 7 Preliminaries Allow 10% of the t otal of items 1 to 6 8 Risk Allowances Allow 5% of the t otal of items 1 to 7 Table of A ss ess m ent Criteria and A ss ociated Grading Criteria Ass ess m e nt Criteria → 1. Knowledge of elementa l cost estim ate 2.

A ss ess m ent approa ch to costing exercise 3. Accuracy and explanation of ass ess m ent 4. Present ation W eigh ting : 20 % 30 % 40 % 10 % Grading Criteria 0 – 29% Fail to demonstrate even a sup erficial understanding of the use of cost d ata and preparation of element cost estimate. Fail to make use of a proper approach to evaluate cost An unexplained presentation or miss ing of a cost estimate. A lot of significant calculation errors are found. A poor presentation that is very difficult t o read, no references are made, calculations are imposs ible to be traced. 30 – 39% Demonstrate a superficial understanding of the use of cost d ata and preparation of element cost estimate. No consideration of model ass umptions is made. Lack a methodo log ical ap proach to analyse and draw conc lusions for t he costing exercise. A very weak explanation of how and why the cost estimate is arrived at. A few sign ificant calculation errors are found. A presentation that is difficult to follow. A lot of gramm atical or ty po errors are found sugg esting the r epo rt has not been proof- rea d, r eferences used are generally not cited or r eferenced, a lot of calculations and build- ups are not provided. 40 – 49% Demonstrate a superficial understanding of t he use of cost d ata and preparation of element cost estimate. Cos t model ass umptions are somewhat considered but some ess ential consideration s are miss ed out. Present an ill-defined logical approach to analyse and draw conc lusions for t he costing exercise. A weak explanation of how and why the cost estimate is arrived at.

A lot of mino r calculation errors are found. A presentation that lacks a consistent style. Some obvious gramm atical or ty po errors are found sugg esting the r epo rt has not been proof- read, A lot of references used are not cited or r eferenced, a lot of calculations and build-ups are difficult to follow. 50 – 59% Demonstrate a clea r understanding of t he use of cost data and p reparation of element cost estimate. Some relevant ass umptions are stated althou gh a few ess ential consideration s are no t ta ken into accoun t fully. Allude to a methodo log ical trea tment to analyse and draw conc lusions for the costing exercise. An explanation of how and why the cost estimate is arrived at. A few mino r calculation errors are found. A presentation which has a con sistent style but th e report format is not followed strictly, some minor gramm atical or ty po e rrors are found, References used are cited in general but some u sed materials are not r eferenced, some calculations and bu ild-ups a re difficult t o follow. 60 – 69% De monstra te a clea r und erstanding of t he use of cost d ata and preparation of element cost estimate, and supported b y evidence of some r ea sonable con sideration s in ass umption setting.

Describe a practical ap proach for analysis and drawing conclusions, arguments in g eneral are suppo rt w ith evidence for the costing exercise. An explanation of ho w and why the cost estimate is arrived at. Generally, there is no major calculation error found that affects the conc lusion. A presentation, which is clea r and ea sy to follow. No major gramm atical and ty po errors, report format is observed, References used are cited in g eneral, calculations and build-ups are by and large tr acea ble. 70 – 79% Demonstrate a clea r und erstanding of the use of cost data and preparation of element cost estimate, and supported b y evidence of some rea sonable consideration s in ass umption setting. Data are sourced app ropriately and arguments for the use of them are explained c lea rly. Describe a practical ap proach for analysis and drawing conc lusions, arguments in general are supp ort w ith evidence for the c osting exercise. An articulated explanation of how and w hy the cost estimate was arrived at. No calculation error is found. A good presentation w hich is easy to r ea d, free of gramm atical and typo errors, and in a cost report format, references used are clea rly cited and listed, c alculations and build- ups are fully tracea ble. 80 – 100 % Demonstrate a clea r understanding of the use of cost d ata and preparation o f element cost estimate, and will be suppo rted by evidence of both de ep and w ide ranging consideration in setting assumptions. Data are sou rced app ropriately and arguments for the use of them are all explained clea rly with strong justifications. Describe a r igorous approac h w ith scientific methodo log y for analysis and conc lusions for t he costing exercise. A clea rly articulated explanation of how and why the cost estimate was arrived. No calculation error is found. A polished presentation, which is stylish references used, are cited and listed strictly following a particular referencing system, cost report format is professionally presented, calculations and build -ups are traceable. Chec klist Ass umptions Inclusions Exclusion Element units App lication of NRM1 and other relevant rules Arithmetic errors Dimensions Calculation Use of diagrams and tables Arguments for data cho ice Spelling Grammar Punctuation Paragraphs Titled diagrams Referencing Page breaks Submission D etails: W ork shou ld be sub m itted electron ically v ia Mood le up load. You are r equ ired to sub m it one file in W ord of PDF vector form at con taining your answer for each of the tasks in the form at of a cost report and one file in Excel form at con taining the calculation s and w orking of your answer. The m axim um file size for each of file is 10 MB.

Dra wing s are drawn in a scale of 1:150 in A3 (Append ix 1) . T heref ore, the measurement can be tak en from the scaled drawing s. Prices and rates can be obtained from the given hypothetical cost data ((Append ix 2 ) and do necessary adjustments to arrive for the current date with index. If indices are not available in your country, adjustment is then carri ed out based on discretion and argument. If you submit an assessment late at the first attempt then you will be subject to one of the follo wing pen alties : · If the submission is made up to two hours following the deadline, the mark that you achieve will be deducted by 10%. If this deduction takes you below the pass threshold then you will be capped at that t hreshold, ie 40% ; (*For example: work awarded a mark of 60% would become 54%) · If the submission is made between two hours and up to 5 da ys following the deadline, your mark will be capped at the pass th reshold ; · If the submission is made after 5 days following the deadline, your work will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked. If you submit a reassessment late then it will be deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked. W orkload: This is prim arily a cost report w ith a sign ificant part of the works com ing from calculation s. The report has a word count limit of 1200 words not includ ing any r eference list, app end ices, figu res and t ables. Ty pically, students are expected to take up to 27 hours to com plete this ass ign m ent.

Fee db ac k:

Your sub m iss ion will be marked against the assessment criteria described above. You shall expect to r eceive a mark sheet sho wing your achievem ent for each criterion and an o verall fee db ack of your sub m iss ion in the form at of wr itten fee db ack or recorded aud io fee db ack that high ligh ts your strengths and weaknesses, and area s for po tential im provem ent.

Marks and Feedback on your work will no rm ally be provided w ithin 20 w orking days of its s ub m iss ion dea dline. Revised 17/05/2017 Appendix Check the attachments