
PUA 6304, Local Government 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit IV Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Identify the concept of local government service. 2. Examine the functions of local government. Reading Assignment State and Local Government : Chapter 10: Local Government: Types and Functions Unit Lesson Local governments have a long history in this country. As settlements began to develop there were common or public needs that were identified. These local needs included the provision of potable water sources, managing waste water, building roads a nd bridges and protective services like fire and police. Clearly, the adoption of the services were aimed at providing local services. To identify and respond to these local needs the US adopted a model that was far different than the central government mo del that was prevalent in Europe. In particular, the US model of governance is based on two tiers in the Constitution (federal and state).

Local governments (which are not specifically identified in the Constitution) are under the jurisdiction of the state s and the state legislature. As communities develop ed in the US the model included the use of regular, public gatherings of citizens to consider the types of services and functions that the community was prepared to initiate. These "town hall" meetings be came a hallmark of American democracy in action. Over time, the increasing complexities in development patterns required more formal structures and organizations to manage communities properly. For a more detailed discussion of some of the current challen ges and solutions related to local government , see the National League of Cities (NLC) web site at . The NLC represents more than 19,000 towns and cities across the US. Local Councils On a practical basis, most communities have a physical Town Hall which serves as the operational center for a local government. As we see in the readings, the role of the local government is to provide local services that serve the best interest of a community from the perspective of both property related services and services of benefit to the residents. Of course, this part of the system using locally elected officials is very similar to that used in state legislatures and the federal system. The main difference is tha t local officials live in the communities that they govern full time. Hence , they are more readily available to their friends, neighbors , and citizens. In many cases, local officials are elected on a district or ward basis allowing them to represent a spec ific sub -area of the community. Alternatively, we do see some communities where officials may be elected at -large , representing the entire city. Practically, decisions are made by locally -elected officials operating as boards or councils. The spokesperson for local governments usually takes the role of mayor. Again, this is an elected position ; this individual has both ceremonial and official duties based on how the specific local government is legally structured. Often the mayor is elected at large , repre senting the entire community. UNIT IV STUDY GUIDE Functions of Local Government PUA 6304, Local Government 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Local Government Finances To finance the operational needs of communities, local governments often employ a budget officer or a team of individuals whose role is to develop annual plans for revenue collection and spending. Once these annual estimates are developed they must be approved by resolution by the elected officials of the community. This process carries on the tradition of the earliest town hall functions in America. In addition, members of the council normally vote on budget amendments , or intra budget fund transfers , once a budget is adopted. Another aspect of the council is to develop revenue sources , and we see considerable effort and attention in the identification of new revenue sources. Often these sources inc lude user fees such as parking or facility use. Finally, one of the most visible , and often contentious tasks of local government is related to formally setting the local property tax rate. Property taxes are paid based on the value of the property such t hat more valuable property pays more to support local services. These property taxes are normally the most important and largest source of revenue for a community. Service to Citizens As discussed , local government is noted as the "closest to the people. ” In that regard, local citizens expect reliable service that meets their needs. Over time there have been a number of strategic efforts that have been initiated aimed at improving service delivery. Most recently, we have seen the "New Public Management" ( NPM) offer a more business -like, customer oriented approach to service provision which has recently included a focus on e -government opportunities. Performance Appraisal/Government Structure One of the functions of local government is to deliver local s ervices funded by tax payer dollars that are delivered in the most "efficient, economic and effective" manner available. In that regard , local communities normally hire professional managers and administrators such as a city manager, a police chief, a fire chief, a parks and recreation director , as well as other department heads. Functionally, these employees of the community report to the elected leader of the organization or to the ir appointed head of the administration (e.g., the city manager ). For more information on the role of the city manager see the website of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA, ). Fundamentally, the city manager position was established in the US in the early twentieth century as a means to introduce professional management practices into the increasingly complex local government context. In the case of the city manager system, the council usually retains some oversight of departmental o perations through a committee structure or similar mechanism. For example, these committees would meet regularly and elected officials would receive regular briefing packages. These committee meetings are almost always public and they afford an opportunity for citizen engagement , which is an important aspect of local government. Quality of Life In local government, political candidates seek public office with a view to improving and serving their community. Local elections are contested on a regular basi s and elected officials participate in key local functions , such as setting the tax rate and developing a budget. Also, local officials are active in respect to land use decisions. They develop and adopt community plans, zoning ordinances , and building cod es. These land use rules can be very contentious , as they impact individual property rights. Also, budget decisions related to new bus routes or the extension of water or sewer lines can generate controversy as these impact development opportunities in the community. Liaison to Senior Levels of Government As noted, local government is the closest to the people. In that regard, most local governments actively engage citizens and encourage participation in local government decision making. In addition, l ocal governments serve as "partners" with senior levels of government in delivering local services. For example, disaster relief is commonly funded by all levels of government. However the main co - ordination mechanism is normally the local government. PUA 6304, Local Government 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Also, from a budget perspective many state and federal initiatives include funding assistance of some form.

These are often in the form of state or federal grants that can benefit individual homeowners, merchants, nonprofit organizations and /or the communi ty itself. Local governments are the link between the senior government levels and these grants. In summary, local government has evolved and adapted structurally and organizationally to changing times and needs. The increasing complexity and the challen ges within our communities have necessitated more professionally trained managers and more complicated structures. However, the main elements of a locally elected representative council providing local services remains the defining feature. Suggested Reading Click here to access a PDF of the State and Local Government Chapter 1 0 Presentation . National League of Cities (NL C) International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Learning Activities (Non -Graded) Interview For this non -graded learning activity you are encouraged to reach out to a local government official and interview them. Interviewing a local government official will give you the opportunity to better understand their role in local government. The interview can be done via e -mail, telephone, or in person. The following are questions you may want to ask the local government official, but feel free to create your own:  In your own words, what is a insert specific title ?  What advice can you give a student who is inter ested in becoming a local government official?  Why did you decide to become a local government official?  What were the biggest misconceptions that you had about becoming a local government official?  What do you enjoy most and least about being a local government official?  What is a typical day like for you?  What personality traits do you think would help someone succeed as a local government official and what traits would hinder success?  What is your education background? How did your education prepare you for your role? Non -graded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information .