Sex and relationship class short paper

short paper

COMM 1131, Sex, Relationships, and Communication

Short paper assignment

200 points



Over the course of the semester, I have found a variety of clips from television shows and movies to illustrate course concepts. Now, it is your turn.


In a short paper, (about four pages, plus a “References” page), you will illustrate two course concepts using two different clips from television shows or movies (clips must not be longer than three minutes; they must be from television shows or movies).


Some of the material we’ve covered in class involves “big” concepts with multiple components. Focus on one component (e.g., the relationship frame from the Communication Theory of Identity). Do not attempt to write about concepts that are overly broad (for example, do not use “interpersonal communication” as a concept – instead, focus on one of the principles of interpersonal communication).


The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn more about class concepts that interested you. This means that you will need to present information in your paper about the concepts you’ve chosen that goes beyond what was covered in lecture and in your textbook. To that end, you will cite four scholarly sources (two for each concept; scholarly sources are books or academic journal articles) that help you expand your knowledge about the concepts you’ve chosen.  You may use your textbook, but it will not count as one of your four required sources. You will cite your sources in APA style.


This is how your paper should be organized:


Brief introduction that states the concepts you have chosen and the clips you will apply them to.


  1. Explanation of concept #1 (two to three paragraphs)

    1. Explain terminology from the concept, discuss what the concept attempts to explain or predict, elucidate how the concept is useful in analyzing interpersonal relationships

    2. Cite source #1

    3. Cite source #2

  2. Brief overview of the clip you have selected (one paragraph)

    1. Context in which clip occurs

    2. Introduction of characters involved in clip

  3. Connection of concept to clip (two to three paragraphs)

    1. How does the clip you’ve selected illustrate the concept you’ve selected? Be specific. Make connections to what you presented in Roman Numeral I.

    2. Use terminology from the concept

    3. Provide a link to the clip  (no longer than three minutes)

  4. Explanation of concept #2 (two to three paragraphs)

    1. Explain terminology from the concept, discuss what the concept attempts to explain or predict, elucidate how the concept is useful in analyzing interpersonal relationships

    2. Cite source #3

    3. Cite source #4

  5. Brief overview of the clip you have selected (one paragraph)

    1. Context in which clip occurs

    2. Introduction of characters involved in clip

  6. Connection of concept to clip (two to three paragraphs)

    1. How does the clip you’ve selected illustrate the concept you’ve selected? How does the clip you’ve selected illustrate the concept you’ve selected? Be specific. Make connections to what you presented in Roman Numeral IV.

    2. Use terminology from the concept

    3. Provide a link to the clip  (no longer than three minutes)


VII.            Brief conclusion

 VIII. References  page in APA style


Use Times New Roman for your font. 12-point size. Standard (one inch) margins. Double-spaced. You do not need a cover page or an abstract.


Q: Where do I find clips?

A: YouTube is a great place to start. If you have the skills and technology, you may also make clips of your own (e.g., from DVDs). NOTE: clips must be from television shows or movies.


Q:I don’t know APA style.  What do I do?

A: If you google “APA style” you will find a variety of resources. My favorite is:


Q: Where do I find scholarly sources?

A: A good resource is the “Communications and Mass Media Complete” database, which can be found on our library’s website: ( Scroll to find it.

Another is “Academic Search Premier,” which is also on our library’s website: ( Scroll to find it.

Yet another is Google Scholar ( Scroll to find it.

Books about relational communication and interpersonal communication are available at Snell Library (mostly on the third floor).


Q: What are some examples of concepts I could use?

A: You must use a concept from class. Do not use concepts that are overly broad (another example: don’t use “non-verbal communication” as a concept – focus on one element of non-verbal communication, like haptics). Consult your books and notes.


Q: How will you assess this assignment?

A: I will be evaluating the degree to which the explanations of your concepts are complete and correct; the degree to which you use your scholarly sources effectively; the degree to which you explain your clips; and the degree to which you correctly, comprehensively, and convincingly connect your concepts to your clips. As is standard procedure, I will also be looking for clear and effective writing, correct citations, and a correct works cited page.