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The execution of zero resistance on school grounds with the increasing number of police in schools has prompted the criminalization of discipline in school. Schools locale across the nation started to expand the utilization of school officers on grounds, especially in inner city schools. Likewise, hardline train measures were actualized. At the end of the day, a zero resilience approach toward student’s misconduct turned to the norm, consequently the procedure criminalization and education for poor, minority youth. Many reviews that have been carried out have demonstrated a reasonable connection between expulsion from school in the form of suspension as well as adolescent detainment. Skiba et al., (2011) expressed that an overrepresentation in out-of-school expulsion, as well as suspension, seems to put African American students at threat for poor scholastic performance and also being involved in juvenile justice system. At the point when students are put on suspension, time and again they are left with no grown-up supervision which prompts an improve probability of them taking part in criminal conduct.

Numerous specialists have proposed elective school discipline approaches with an end goal to decrease the outdoor suspension rate that eventually lessens the criminalization of the present youth. Hammer (2012) propose that one method of eliminating School-to-prison phenomenon is towards fusing social workers to work with high hazard groups alongside early identification of custom curriculum students in the adolescent courts. Social workers ought to be working with at risk youth adults and their families. Also, social workers could be instrumental in ensuring students are profiting from programs that would cultivate their social skills and meet their fundamental needs, shelter as well as food.

Nevertheless, early distinguishing proof of custom curriculum students in juvenile courts implies that they have just been presented to the criminalization versus training process. The objective is to dissuade students far from this completely. Cramer et al. (2014) the WISE redirection Program offered scholarly help, coaching, and every day advance checking to students who perpetrated peaceful violations on grounds. Students were selected in the program as opposed to being captured when they conferred a peaceful offense. Skiba et al., (2011) discusses a layered all-inclusive behavioural mediation plan. This behavioural plan concentrates on positive reinforcement for grown-ups as well as students. The WISE program is all the more a complete plan that tends to various necessities of the student versus simply the conduct angled that the multi-layered mediation addresses. A multi-layered plan can be joined into any school display. An option behavioral plan should be set up; however, that is just a piece of the plan. Scholastic help for educational modules that are important to the students’ needs to incorporate.

Tending to the need of at risk youth group ought to be preeminent. Cramer et al. (2014) discuss about the connection between teens diagnosed with learning as well as enthusiastic handicap and the juvenile court framework. This research unmistakably recognized minority, specialized curriculum students from bringing down socio prudent Foundation as the group for the most part represented. The inquiry that teachers must address is the means by which do these students learn best. At-Risk youth must see the pertinence in the lesson to their lives; an association must be made.

Likewise, as a veteran educator, the author noted that sitting in rows with no development or collaboration essentially does not fit the requirements of custom curriculum students. Their brains are wired for hands on learning and normal development. I would even venture to recommend educational programs that revolve around their existence. This would enable students to associate with the stories, thus interfacing with the class and more averse to get out of hand. Wilson (2013) states that because of the lopsided number of custom curriculum students, overseers and educators that scholastic and conduct bolster is set up for this sub-group.

Statement of the Problem

The school-to-prison pipeline is a wonder that portrays at risk youth who are represented in the adolescent equity framework. A few elements cause at-risk youth to move from the educational system to adolescent framework. Cramer et al. (2014) conducted research that showed that African American males that have been determined to have a learning handicap are the most elevated risk group to be subjected to this wonder. The second most elevated at-risk group are Latino males. As per the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2011), both African American and Latino males additionally make up most of the jail populace and dropout rate. This relationship has been considered and turned out to be an impact of the criminalization of at risk youth, more often than not for peaceful offenses.

Many researchers have demonstrated an unmistakable connection between school ejection as outdoor suspension and adolescent confinement. As per Cuellar and Markowitz (2015), the outdoor suspension may expand criminally culpable conduct by issue youth, dramatically increasing the likelihood of capture. Wilson (2014) likewise contends a similar point that school suspensions and expulsion is the main supporter of school-to prison pipeline marvelous. Skiba et al. (2014) propose that there is an immediate connection between student suspensions, which multiplied from 1974 to 2010, to the production of the school-to-prison pipeline. At the point when understudies are set on outdoor suspension, over and over again they are left with no grown-up supervision which prompts an improved probability of them taking part in criminal conduct. It is the engagement of the criminal conduct while out of school that moves youth into the pipeline. The issue is that poor, minority understudies who are ordered under a specialized curriculum are over spoken to in the school-to-prison pipeline speculate.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to analyze the connection between students' ethnicity as well as disciplinary outcomes. The study looks to recognize any patterns that suggest African American, guys who fall under a specialized curriculum are set on outside suspension at a higher rate for a similar activity versus white partners. The examination's factors incorporate race, sex, age, financially factors, and custom curriculum status. The schools teach plan, and the conduct infraction will likewise factor in the investigation. The examination will be led in a huge urban school setting in South Florida. The members will be Latino, African American as well as White center school understudies, ages between 11 and 16; who got a referral for a teach infraction.

Research Questions

Q1. Do African American males have a higher rate of outdoor suspension compared to other ethnicities?

Q2. Are African American males referred to administration by the classroom teacher for non-violent disciplinary infractions at a higher rate compared to other ethnicities?


H10. African American males are disproportionally disciplined compared to other ethnicities due to teacher’s inability to develop a positive relationship with this population.

H1aAfrican American males are not disproportionally disciplined compared to other ethnicities due to teacher’s inability to develop a positive relationship with this population.

H1a.African Americans have a higher percentage of students compared to other ethnicities who come from poor, high-stress environments which cause students to have distress.

H1aAfrican Americans do not have a higher percentage of students compared to other ethnicities who come from poor, high-stress environments which cause students to have distress.

Research Method

In my quantitative study, I will utilize Causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research design. According to Baltimore County Public Schools (2013), this type of design attempts to establish cause and effects relationships among variables. The study’s purpose is to seek the cause and effect relationship of ethnicity and school disciplinary actions. The researcher will examine if different variables such as race, age, gender, and poverty cause a higher rate of African American students being disciplined compared to other ethnicities. The researcher will analyze the school’s disciplinary documents to identify trends in who was disciplined and in what manner which they were disciplined. The researcher will identify, analyze and conclude whether independent variables impact discipline actions and if so, which ones.

Operational Definition of Variables

  1. Construct/Variable 1.Categorical Variable-Usually an independent or predictor variable that contains values indicating membership in one of the several possible categories. The study will have several independent variables with assigned numerical value. The first, Ethnicity-Black (1), Hispanic (2), White (3), Other (4). Second independent variable, Gender-Male (0) or Female (1). Third independent variable, Socio Economic Status- Eligible for free or reduced lunch, yes (1) or no (2). Fourth, Age-11-16. Fifth, positive feeling toward school- Low, medium, high. And lastly, Special Education (ESE) Yes (1) or No (2).

  2. Construct/Variable 2. Dependent variable-The assumed impact in a trial considers. The estimations of the needy variable rely on another variable, the free factor. Disciplinary Action is the study's dependent variable. The study will research if the free factors impact how the student is restrained by instructors as well as school management.

Data Collection

The data collection will be from different sources. Coordinated organized interviews, classroom observation, and scholarly records, as well as school's discipline, will be utilized. The researcher will meet with guardians or gatekeepers to examine the points of interest of the examination. Guardians will be educated of their entitlement to pull back their tyke anytime in the investigation. Likewise, guardians will be required to give educated assent. An aggregate of 20 at risk youth will take an interest in the investigation: 8 Hispanic, 12 African American that will include 16-male and 4-females. The examination will occur over a nine-month time frame, September-May. The meetings will last 25-30 minutes. To secure the personality of the members, the analyst will dole out numbers to every member. Members will be asked 15-20 questions, for instance: "What is your most loved class?", "What do you like best about your most loved class?" Data will be put away on a blazing drive. Just the scientist will approach streak drive.

Data Analysis

Data analysis which incorporates information from meetings and school's records will start by coding. The researcher will use a PC program that will recognize catch phrases and expressions in members' meetings. The specialist will utilize a PC program, for example, HyperRESEARCH. Green (2011) clarifies that HyperRESEARCH enables scientists to code, recover, and assemble hypotheses and direct investigation. HyperRESEARCH codes a wide range of sources; sound, video, and notes.

Validity and Reliability

Krathwohl (2009) states that legitimacy shows how much proof and hypothesis can bolster the translation of the tests. The study’s validity will be ensured by comparing the discipline actions of the various independent variables. The research will compare discipline actions among the different independent variables at the end of each grading period. The same outcome at the end of each nine weeks will show the degree of reliability in the study. The study is made dependable by the respondent’s answers and perception made in participant’s regular scholarly setting.

Krathwohl (2009) states that leaving a reasonable review trail is a method for guaranteeing that you took care of constancy as well as consistency. The study's reliability will be guaranteed by the exact recording of respondent's reactions and classroom communications. The analyst has no predisposition in the investigation. The research does not have an inclination of classroom student engagement or all inclusive behavioral change designs.


Baltimore County Public Schools (2013). Key elements of a research proposal: Quantitative design.

Cramer, E. D., Gonzalez, L., & Pellegrini-Lafont, C. (2014). From classmates to inmates: An integrated approach to Cramer, E. D., Gonzalez, L., & Pellegrini-Lafont, C. (2014). From classmates to inmates: An integrated approach to break the school-to-prison pipeline. Equity & Excellence In Education, 47(4), 461-475. doi:10.1080/10665684.2014.958962

Cuellar, A. E., & Markowitz, S. (2015). School suspension and the school-to-prison pipeline. International Review Of Law & Economics, doi:10.1016/j.irle.2015.06.001

Krathwohl, D. (2009). Methods of educational and social science research: The logic of methods. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press

Mallett, C. A. (2015). The school-to-prison pipeline: A critical review of the punitive paradigm shift. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, doi:10.1007/s10560-015-0397-1

Schept, J., Wall, T., & Brisman, A. (2015). Building, staffing, and insulating: An architecture of criminological complicity in the school-to-prison pipeline. Social Justice, 41(4), 96-115. Retrieved from

Skiba, R. J., Arredondo, M. I., & Williams, N. T. (2014). More than a metaphor: The contribution of exclusionary discipline to a school-to-prison pipeline. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(4), 546. Retrieved from

Wilson, H. (2014). Turning off the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 23(1), 49-53.

Wilson, M. G. (2013). Disrupting the Pipeline: The Role of School Leadership in Mitigating Exclusion and Criminalization of Students. Journal Of Special Education Leadership, 26(2), 61-70.