Research Proposal: Is Attention Deficit Disorder a Neuropsychological Problem?

Research Methods Literature Review

Tashara English

PSY 635

Thomas MacCarty

July 12, 2017

Research Designs


The following article “Do higher dispositions for empathy predispose males towards careers in nursing? A descriptive correlational design”, (Penprase, Oakley, Ternes & Driscoll, 2015). Utilizes the correlational research design as well as quantitative methods emphasizing objectives, which rely on collected data mathematically. The article asks analyzes the male nurse disposition. As it focuses on empathetic implications and the levels of sympathy exhibited by male nurses.

As these traits correlate to patients. The research design presented in the article uses empathizing and systemizing questionnaires used to research and measure the levels of empathy in nursing students. The correlational research design as well as the use of quantitative methods. Are used to identify empathetic traits in nursing students. The results of the research found that while women predominately express empathy more so than males. Males, especially in a nursing setting express sympathetic traits the same as women.

Pretest-Posttest Control Group

The following article, “The mechanisms of Effectiveness in Increasing Game Playing Skills in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Pretest-Posttest Repeated Measures Randomized Control Group Design”, Quirmbach, Lincoln, Feinberg-Gizzo, Ingersoll, & Andrews, 2009). The focus of the research presented in this article highlights the pretest-posttest method in analyzing the effect of social story intervention techniques utilized to improve the game playing skills of autistic children. The article features the uses stories, socially developed for children diagnosed with the disorder.

These stories are proven asset due to their visual quality and explicit information. The study utilizes methods observation, by the way of the Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule. The total score of participants correlates with the dependent variable which is social skills exhibited by the children. The outcome of the study reveals various recognizable knowledgeable abilities in children, regardless of standard or the directive intervention. Resulting in substantial progression of game play skills. The results of the study was compared autistic children in a control condition.

Grounded Theory

The article, “Qualitative sales research: an exposition of grounded theory” (Johnson, 2015). Explores the dynamic and complex array of issues affecting the functioning and positions of people in sales. These factors are listed to be individual, organizational and environmental. The article examines several types of data sources utilizing the ground theory method. Correlating to the fact that many studies relay on data that is obtained by interviewing participants. The study also makes use of quantitative research methods for deductive processing.

That are consistent with theoretical based hypotheses, used for testing statistical analysis and variables that are numerically measured. Grounded theory is described in the article as the use of comparative analysis is compared to sales facts in which exhibit similar and different variables. The targeted population of the study are sales personnel including managers. The incorporated data collected in the study utilized a ground theory approach which generated results in all factors affecting the overall performance of salespeople.


The final article, “Developing a family risk assessment tool in adolescent offenders: An exploratory study”, (dos Santos, & Alberto, 2016). Use the exploratory design to explore criminal behavior in adolescents. By implementing and validating risk assessment tools for youth offenders and their parents. One tool utilized is a family risk assessment tool, involving structured interviews. The article expands on the various exhibited facets of criminal behavior and the integrated assessments from several informational sources.

The exploratory study showcased in the article utilized effective analytical protocols to obtain information based on assessing family risk for adolescent delinquent behavior. One highlighted assessment integrated developmental strategies specified for assessing criminal behavior. Individual and contextual issues related to risk were also assessed. Such as management and responsiveness, parenting skills was also of highlighted importance. The study itself consisted of 130 juveniles who were male adolescent, detained in a criminal facility. Other study participants included ten volunteer psychologist interviewers.

Final Research Proposal Topic

My chosen research proposal topic is Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A disorder distinguished by various deficiencies such as, an exertion of attention, effective retention and fluctuating and deferring antipathy. There have been numerous studies presented on this topic. Due to the chronic nature and associated impairments of the disorder. ADHD can affect academic learning, psychological, social and occupational functioning. The investigation in to ADHD will analyze a neuropsychological association with the disorder.

The research question represented will focus on whether discrepancies associated with neuropsychological processing in child (ADHD) can be accounted for by dual disorders? Based on the peer-reviewed article summaries, the research design best chosen for this topic is pretest-posttest design. The pretest-posttest design is a quasi-experiment utilizing one group with the same experimental condition, in this case ADHD. The participant in this group are not randomly assigned, and any implemented manipulations are the same across the board for all participants. This design is appropriate for managing data concerning students with ADHD and the neuropsychological effects.


dos Santos, D. J. F., & Alberto, I. M. M. (2016). Developing a family risk assessment tool in adolescent offenders: An exploratory study. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 33(2), 103-113. Retrieved from

Johnson, J. S. (2015). Qualitative sales research: an exposition of grounded theory. Journal of personal selling & Sales Management, 35(3), 262-273. Retrieved from, B., Oakley, B., Ternes, R., & Driscoll, D. (2015). Do higher dispositions for empathy predispose males toward careers in nursing? A descriptive correlational design. Nursing forum (Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-8). Retrieved from

Quirmbach, L. M., Lincoln, A. J., Feinberg-Gizzo, M. J., Ingersoll, B. R., & Andrews, S. M. (2009). Social stories: Mechanisms of effectiveness in increasing game play skills in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder using a pretest posttest repeated measures randomized control group design. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 39(2), 299-32 Retrieved from