Persuasive Speech Details

Your second individual speech will be persuasive in nature, and will address something you believe is important/valuable/worthwhile. The goal of your speech is to persuade your peers to choose to engage in a behavior that will be beneficial to themselves, or the broader community.

See the topics page to get a better idea of what I mean by "beneficial."

Your speech should include a Call to Action in the conclusion, which tells the audience explicitly what you want them to do, relative to your topic.

The timing of your speech will follow the same parameters as before: aim for five minutes. I will give you 60 seconds of wiggle room on either side of five minutes. Please note, however, that your grade will be significantly diminished if your speech is UNDER FOUR minutes or OVER SIX minutes. Please rehearse your delivery prior to speech day so that you are confident in the timing of your remarks

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In addition to the broad guidelines above, the following parameters will apply to the persuasive speech:

Speeches that do not meet the minimum time requirement of four minutes will receive a maximum grade of 50.

Speeches that continue past the 6-minute mark will receive a 15-point deduction.

Speeches that are read to the audience – instead of being presented – will receive a grade of -0-.

Speaking notes in the form of index cards are permitted. Full outlines, handwritten notes on notebook paper, or notes on a smartphone will not be permitted.

No less than three credible sources must be verbally cited during your speech. (As previously stated, wikipedia is not considered a credible source in this course.) Failure to cite sources will cost you 21 points.

You must be logged into Hangouts on your assigned day and time. No make-up presentations will be scheduled.

Students who do not submit an outline will not be permitted to present the persuasive speech. (Please note that failure to deliver both speeches and the group presentation will result in a grade no higher than “D” – so it is critical to your grade that you submit a completed outline.)

Incomplete outlines will receive a maximum grade of 60.

Additional Suggestions:

Avoid distracting jewelry, such as a bracelet that makes a jingly noise when you gesture.

Arrange your hair so that it is not in your face, and does not cover one or both of your eyes.

Do not chew gum during your speech.

Do not wear a hat while delivering your speech.

Make every effort to minimize noise or distractions from you location when presenting via Google Hangouts. (I once had a student attempt to give her speech with a barking dog in her lap. This level of distraction if unacceptable, so please plan ahead!)