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Global Racism


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Global Racism


Racism refers to the act of discriminating an individual based on his or her ethnic background. The problem has naturally occurred in human beings and has had adverse effects on the social integration, religious aspects, economic and political orientation. Many people who belong to the same ethnic background have decided to establish boundaries between them and their counterparts who worship on their own, seek political relevance from their ethnic groups, start and offer jobs to their ethnic members affecting the economic spread whereby we have a lot of disparities geographically. I, therefore, look into the historical racism that has encroached to the present globally and its effects.


In the whole world, we have hundred thousands of ethnic groups. All of these have been spread throughout the world and majorly concentrated in the whole world; we have hundred thousands of ethnic groups. We, however, have those that have spread to other parts of the world under different circumstances. We have those who went to look for jobs; others are simply traversing the world, others on academic missions, religious missions, political reasons or some were forced to move as slaves and refugees due to war. One thing is that we have the ethnic groups that are hospitable enough whereas others are hostile.

Other ethnic groups are unsociable though they do not harm at all. What brings the groups are same personal interests and ventures and what separates us is racism.


Global racism

Racism has dominated many parts of the world for a very long time. However, there have been measures to see that the issue is dealt with amid cries from the international community. As a home to humankind, it has been seen as an epicenter for businesses, political, religious and economic functions. The people of the world have physical and mental differences. This includes the skin color and the ethnic background, the difference in eye pigmentation, hair length color and texture, Intelligence Quotient just to name a few. These differences have been the major cause of racism that has been a major drawback to many plans the human kind has had for the world. Racism, however, is not something that just started recently; it has been in existence since the early 18th century. This was seen as from the time slavery business was so rampant and that the Europeans had expanded their colonies to such parts as northern and southern America and Asia.

The beginning of racism

The problem of racism is highly attributed to having started from America. This is because there were a lot of immigrations in the US than any other part of the world. As Africans were imported to work on the large plantations for the white masters, they were allowed to do many tasks as they were seen as inferior, not intelligent, poor and evil. The mistreatment was among many other reasons that could not let the white masters have to consider the blacks as human beings. The people who were rather discriminated include the African Americans who were as a result of the slave trade and worked in American plantations, ethnic groups like the Native Americans, the Asian Americans, the Latino Americans and the Hispanic Americans. The people who were behind all these discriminations were the white Americans.

The white Americas had to enjoy exclusive privileges like good education, traveling to other states and countries, they could vote and choose leaders of their choice, they could acquire and own land, they were granted citizenship rights and that whenever they underwent court cases like having committed a crime, they could be sentenced and serve the shortest jail terms as may be compared to the other races. The other group that enjoyed such privileges was the European Americans who were the Protestants, Non-protestants from Europe were never given any good consideration. They suffered from xenophobic exclusion. They included the Italians, the Irish people and the Poles that they were never regarded as whites.

The racial discrimination here took many forms, some of them include slavery as noted before, wars, reservations, boarding schools, segregation, immigration as well as naturalization just to mention a few. This brings the idea that the main areas that racism was depicted include the learning centers, the restaurants, and places of worship, public transport system, health facilities and at places of work. The effects were so adverse that mostly resulted in physical and emotional distress among the victims.

Discrimination at the place of work, looking at the respective places of discrimination research shows that workplaces are the most hit with this kind of discrimination. Hiring is done based on the ethnic background; the preferred candidates are picked as the minors are left out. Given that they favor certain people, these are people who come from the same ethnic background as their employers and those that do not are denied the chance. This results in a staff members setting whereby they understand each other's language and way of doing things. Though it is difficult to get only people front the same background, the majority are. The dominating group will constantly harass the minority group (BARRETT, 2006). The dominant group will make their native language as the official language especially when they don’t want the other group to understand their allegations. Whenever a complaint is logged to the management about the mistreatment received, the issue goes unattended to. The mistreated individuals will not be involved in solving and discussing matters about any pressing issues of the work since the language used is not understandable to them. This is evidence from Rusty Barret’s publication, “Language Ideology and Racial Inequality: Competing Functions of Spanish in an Anglo-owned Mexican Restaurant.”

When such treatment is prolonged, the fewer group is forced to voluntarily resign and find a different work whereby they can be accommodated and recognized. The bitterness about the whole mistreatment remains in them and become racist towards the others. The research reveals for example that a group that ever faces such like treatment is the black Americans. They view this as due to their race or the black ethnicity. The researchers have also linked general stress as well job strains to be a result of racial discrimination. This happens that the group with the least number of members is harassed by the majority to work more.

Racism at hotels or restaurants is another instance of racial discrimination. Studies indicate that every ethnic group has its traditional cuisine that they like a lot. Due to the love of traditional cuisines, they always look for where to get them in the given country. Investors, on the other hand, have seen an opportunity at investing in race specific restaurants. For example, blacks are enticed to find local and traditional African foods from certain restaurants in the foreign country. All the people visiting such restaurants are those derived from the same ethnic backgrounds. For people who love diversity visit such restaurants and are served with lots of exclusions and discriminations. The attendants and the managers see them as intruders if they could be attended to you, it is either ejection order or price exploitation for they are at a foreign place. At some hotels, which are managed by a certain ethnic group, a foreigner is just employed to help in services like general cleaning. Major positions like cooking and serving their guests are for example only reserved for the whites as the black Americans are not valued.

At eating places due to racism, the owner has to do a tough kind of selection of whom to higher so as to be sure with who will buy food from the hotel. When some Asian guests are served by a black in an Asians-only restaurant, they feel uncomfortable and harass the attendant. When the restaurant managers learn of the incident, instead of solving the differences between the attendant and the guest this rather means more trouble to the frustrated staff member for not fulfilling his or her responsibilities as required. The results would be a deduction of salary and or termination of the job contract. However, the main reason could be just that the client just hates and looks down upon the affected ethnic group. Another issue that affects employment and service delivery of the discriminated individuals is that they are never promoted at the place of work and that they are the ones to handle the most strenuous tasks at the place of work say the sanitation responsibilities.

Racism at health facilities, a crucial area, is at the hospitals and other health care facilities. It is reported that this is an area that needs to be corrected as the kind of health services offered are so much discriminatory in nature. Some facilities are funded and managed racially (Lewis, Cogburn & Williams, 2015). Hence they offer the best medical services; however, they do not admit and offer medical services to the other inferior races rather than their own. Substandard medical facilities are the ones that are left to serve the general public while under the dilapidated conditions in respective countries of the world. This has led to health conditions worsening due to the lack of proper medical care.

Racism in public transport system is an observable feature worldwide. There are buses that are mostly boarded by the whites only, some are boarded by the Blacks only, and others are boarded by the Asians and so on. What happens is that the public has decided to silently discriminate against each other. In the US for example, discriminatory laws were repealed from the constitution, but it has not been naturally and silently practiced as people board buses based on who are the majority in the bus. People are currently being defined by their zip codes and thus different buses are plying their routes (Golub, Marcantonio & Sanchez, 2013). This has obviously resulted in discrimination factor being evident, but not many people have come forth to raise it and find a way of controlling it.

In the worship places, there is no exception that racial discrimination is still very evident. For example, people who attend Catholic services are associated with the Americans. Apparently, it seems to be the largest denomination accounting to more than 35 million people. However, people of the color especially the blacks comprise of over 2.5 million. According to Rev Bryan Massingale who happens to be a Catholic theologian who is internationally recognized has had a long time experience of racial discrimination in the church and tried to bring some order something that has not been effective. The international church community understands this and that there is the need for the other races to work together with the rest of the believers and take up church responsibilities of leading and serving. He says that black voice and leadership has not existed before and that there hasn’t been any support. It is seen that the blacks do not understand and take up leadership as a noble responsibility something that he has evangelized without much success.

This is evident those lines of racism are still thick in the religious space and that attempts to cut the line have been unsuccessful. A small percentage of the American populations have been able to set aside their ethnic differences and attend the church together. The factor of racism has been a major blow to many religious leaders around the world at large. Muslims, on the other hand, are associated with the Arabs and the Middle East ethnic groups; they, however, do not tolerate an individual from a different religion as they have a belief that only their religion is the most powerful in the world. Hindus and Buddhist have the same feeling thus this has brought about major lines of differences between ethnic groups based on their religious beliefs.

Citing America as an example a long time in the history, education privileges were given to the whites only. That is the white Americans and the white Europeans; the rest were not fit to learn. In America, there have been constant wars between the quality of education that could be given to the other students and the special education than could be given to the white students (Lundy & Mazama, 2014). The American blacks, for example, fought to be considered in the same schools as the Native and white Americans, something that was slowly embraced by the Constitution. However, today the rift that was once filled has started developing with the idea of homeschooling among the black American individuals. Some of the reasons cited are that the black American parents find this as the only best method to guarantee their learner’s quality education as opposed to the one they would be offered at schools where they are underrepresented, the fallout between the white teachers and the learners with a color skin has constantly increased.

It is reported that every time a black American learner placed complaints about mistreatment to a white teacher the complaint is less aggressively received compromising the standards of education they receive. Given that the white parents also have pulled their students out of the cosmopolitan schools, the white teachers have resolved to do homeschooling too (Lundy & Mazama, 2014). According to responses to the interview questions by Garvey and Mazama, racism was the second largest factor after the quality of education that motivated most parents to have their children homeschool. Therefore as much as the racism factor, the whole America would be seen as something that can be controlled with much ease, apparently many areas and cases indicate that it is not yet just enough to control it and that a lot of efforts have to be initiated right from the grassroots level to bring together all the people. Competition for space and resources is the major reason as to why racism prevails in America. Family bonds, religion, morals are other factors that contribute highly to the current atmosphere.

Diversity Perspectives

We hence need a new set of skills and trends that can have a positive impact of changing the norms about racism. We need to accept an associate with different people of color without any biases and misjudgments, and that is why the following diverse perspectives which are significant as follows. It has resulted in the emergence of vulnerable and disfranchised groups due to mistreatment; they are marginalized and underrepresented. I narrowly focus on their mistreatment and discrimination. They have suffered throughout their lives in their own countries due to the harsh political, economic, social and religious environment (Bryant-Davis & Tummala-Narra, 2017). I will highlight the various ways through which such groups can be involved with other people and see racism discouraged and people who seem to be staunch racist to embrace the world communities.

Significance of Racism

So as to explain better the significance of racism, I will consider talking about racism. Here, it is necessary to understand what racism is and cite cases that amount to racism. Some of the cases that amount to racism include; refusing to sit, eat, walk, pray, work or associate with people who are not of your ethnic background or simply have a different type of skin from yours.

The second point is about the effects of racism on the progress of the world. Racism for a long time has negatively affected the world in a manner that there is no love, no association, and collaboration (Bryant-Davis & Tummala-Narra, 2017). Therefore there is no way people of different ethnic backgrounds can decide to better the world together, and wholly instead they concentrate on their immediate environment that is where they live. This has resulted in partial development features. The third point is how racism affects the growth in the community and also businesses.

Competing entities affected by racism

In the whole world, there exist so many disfranchised groups. Every region has a way of classifying their vulnerable races regarding their population and native region of origin. Their presence in any country causes a lot of competition between the local citizens and the immigrants, for example, the white Americans, the Latinos, the black Americans, the Hispanic Americans, the Asian Americans and Mexican Americans from America. In Europe, we have the Slavs, Romanians, the Ukrainians, and the Tatars people, Celts, the Czechs and the Croats. In Africa, we have the Bantu in South Africa, the Khoisans, the Somalis, the Indians, the black people. Italians and Baits in Sweden, the Poles in the Great Britain, the Karens of Burma. The disadvantaged groups here include the Latinos, the black Americans, the Hispanic Americans, the Mexican Americans, the Slavs, the Somalis, the Indians, and the Bantus who live in South Africa. Thus what is being affected most is the quality of life these people lead. They are each and every time frustrated by their constant ongoing clashes of racism. They cannot be hired to some extent; they cannot invest in their host nations. They are given their own schools for their children and happen to have their own social amenities.

Cultural perspective

There have so been so many incidences of which culturally, there are acts of racism and discrimination that led to extreme sufferings of the vulnerable and disfranchised groups. For example, the case to do with Hitler and Stalin, they both killed so many people in the name of racial discrimination. So many Jews who were immigrants into Europe were killed in agony, and others who survived were forced to wander while seeking refuge. Some who managed to go back home found their lands occupied by their neighbors who turned cruel to them. Others looked for their relatives and never managed to find them. Until now, though some have had to cope up and find life in Germany, apparently they have never come to good terms with the local Germans due to a bitter past.

Until recently, racism s still real in the middle east, every foreigner who goes into their countries are required to be believers of the Muslim religion. We have had cases of African ladies who have gone in the middle east in search of jobs being tortured and killed. In a very recent article in Aljazeera that was published on July this year with the tagline “Confronting anti-black racism in the Arab world” has openly indicated how slave trade is still taking place in these countries and the traded people end up being mistreated, and some eventually die.

Cultural inequalities

From my literature review, the cultural inequalities that are evident include denied access to shopping centers, denied access to quality education, denied access to quality medical care, and denied access to better employment opportunities and rights to democratic activities like voting and public appointments (Reilly & Niens, 2017).

Hofstede's Cultural Values Framework

Hofstede’s cultural values

The first dimension is the power distance index or PDI whereby there has been a high PDI score in most cases because the racists do not want to have equal powers with the vulnerable groups. The second is the individualism vs. collectivism whereby a high IDV score can be registered between people of the same ethnic groups as their interpersonal connection is strong unlike between them and other different ethnic groups. The third model is Masculinity versus feminity whereby the between these vulnerable groups, the roles between men and women are different whereby masculinity is much prominent that the men always want to resist the actions of their majority ethnic groups when they depict oppression rather than exhibiting feminity which is based on the creation of good relationships (Kirkman, Lowe & Gibson, 2016).

The fourth model is uncertainty avoidance index whereby there are very high UAI scores between these rival vulnerable groups and the superior racist because the vulnerable groups do not want to lose. The fifth dimension is Pragmatic vs. normative whereby in pragmatic, the vulnerable groups have behaved modestly to avoid obvious conflicts with the superior races and that in normative; the vulnerable groups have always wanted to be taken seriously on their demands (Kirkman, Lowe & Gibson, 2016).The sixth dimension is the Indulgence versus Restraint whereby the score has always been low because the vulnerable groups used not to be freely gratified and never enjoyed life.

Manifestation of out-group biases

Out-group biases have been manifested in many perspectives when it comes to racism, from the white American perspectives for example; they have seen that the black Americans are fools due to illiteracy. They (blacks) will be the whites’ servants forever, they cannot be taught anything and be perfect, and that they have a small IQ like the bush monkeys and apes. From the black’s perspective; they have seen the whites as very ugly and not as handsome like them.

Justice theory

In the presentation of my argument, I choose the theory of reasoned action by Fishbein and Ajzen. In this theory, it states that intentions are independently influenced by the attitudes of an individual together with subjective norms. This will, in turn, have a direct influence on the behavior depicted by the individual. This is because the racism factor was brought about by the attitudes the white races had towards the other races like being their masters and also disregarding their intellectual ability.

Solutions to mitigate racism

One of the solutions that I think would work best is equitably representing every ethnic group in the public service whereby they would be appointed to be high court judges and police officers which would remove the justifications and the bitter feeling that the white judges discriminatively sentence to prison the blacks or police frisk and arrest discriminatively nonwhite individuals (Carr, 2016).

Strategies for equitable treatment

One of the strategies is the appointment of individuals to public service positions based on their merit of academic qualifications (Carr, 2016). Also, an equal representation of the respective ethnic groups in all the arms of the government needs to be effected. These will eradicate the feelings of discriminative service delivery. The diverse perspectives have resulted in human feeling to some people. I believe that much more positive effect is equally spread to more directions of the word. However these diverse perspectives complement the ethical perspectives, but just how? More explained as below.

Ethical Issues and Racism in the world

The issue of racism has been highlighted in many instances across all the races in the world. From the whites, the black Americans, the Latinos, the Asian, the Native Americans, the Native Hawaiians just to mention a few. So that there could exist an understanding between different races, there have been a lot of initiatives that had to be worked on which required the active participation of all the races. Thus the following ethical issues were Deontological ethics, utilitarian ethics and Virtue ethics. Deontological ethics refers to the ability for people to judge the morals of doing something whether it is right or wrong. Thus it is an obligation or duty to respect other races because a person has no obligation to choose his or her race for it happens naturally.

For utilitarian ethics, here people are made to understand the outcomes of a good thing or wrong thing. Hence they learn reasons for not being racial or being racial and what to expect in return. That when you are a racist, then the larger society is going to act the same way to you and if you are not a racist, then everybody accommodates you, and you make friends. This has positively impacted on racial discrimination; people understand to distinguish between the right actions and rightful behaviors and those that are deemed wrong like racial discrimination.

Virtue ethics has made people work on good relationships for they know that their characters are a reflection of their thinking. A racist individual is one who doesn’t consider others to be worthy and valuable. Therefore so that they may be seen as thinking ethically, they must embrace diversity. This is what has brought a good understand and relationship building between the groups that were once staunch racist in a bid to bring peace and harmony. The Indians are able to form good working relationships with the Asians; the Africans are able to move along with the Native Americans.

Policies that affected the individuals and communities

As these individuals have lived in the same country for long, their bone of contention was that these white individuals and communities have always wanted to; attend to the best schools alone. Hence no black or other races were allowed to take their children in such schools. The schools had the best teachers and gave their children a high-quality education. In public transport system, the whites wanted to board their own cars and buses; they were given first class treatments when boarding trains, no other race was allowed in the same train wagon with the whites (Golub, Marcantonio & Sanchez, 2013). The whites had designated worship centers; however, they were dedicated to teaching the other races how to worship as well. The whites had their own shopping centers and did not want to mix the shops with the other races. They only worked in the offices, and the black Americans were only meant for their plantations. All these were policies imposed by the whites.

The majority-minority factor was so influential such that every race wanted to reduce and surpass the wealth gap between them and their “majority” races. This hence could result in the scramble for the available opportunities to create wealth an idea that the whites who believed that they were the majority did not like at all.

Actions of the vulnerable and disenfranchised groups

The other races like the Africans started attending schools; they even fought for equity in education whereby they wanted to attend to schools meant for the rich races (Lundy & Mazama, 2014). They boycotted the schools and class lessons. This halted learning activities in the respective schools. Another action is that they demanded to buy commodities from the shops that they were restricted not to. Some went ahead even to boycott buying from the shops that were set aside for them demanding that they could only work in them after they employ their fellow “brothers’ and “sisters” to mean other blacks. The blacks decided to boycott school bus rides so that they could also be granted school bus rides. This was seen as a measure to narrow the gap of inclusivity in education quest. They bought food from the restaurants that were only meant for the superior majority. They also wanted to be recognized in political scenes, the military and the white collar jobs unlike before when the black Americans were regarded to be the farm and home attendants.


As time went by, a lot of disputes occurred that involved so many people getting injured. The racist ethnic groups lost their properties in the fights; they made very little profits during the boycotts that were organized by the retaliative groups to only buy from the shops where blacks were employed. Many lives were lost as the enmity between the groups widened and worsened. The retaliative groups started forming movements and elected their leaders who represented them before the federal leaders to deliver their pleas. Such leaders included Malcolm X in the United States for the blacks who would later be assassinated.

The consequences

When governments started realizing the need to protect the rights of the other minor races that wanted to be recognized, with the help from the respective country’s court system, laws and acts were crafted to see that the victims of the slavery and racism are being protected and have adequate access to the fundamental needs which include education, association, worship, shopping, health and conducting businesses. This saw them start attending good schools, eating at the high places, assisting the others in a move that showed that anti-racism laws are taking effect. In America for example, black Americans started taking courses that were meant for the white student like those that could enable them to learn the law, unlike their usual carpentry and tailoring courses. Some started getting involved in active politics; the black Americans started being recruited in the military and started gaining more power. These privileges came after many black Americans students had studied law and understood what their rights entail.

The ethical underpinnings

The kind of force that was being initiated by the disenfranchised groups and the discriminated races in search for their current freedom did not just happen but rather was as a result of some factors as am going to discuss them as follows;

i. Motivation

This is the factor that gave them the strength to be persistent. If they were not motivated to seek for their recognition, then it wouldn’t have been an easy task to gain the freedom of equal treatment free from racism. The fight for this freedom was painful and tiring, normally a peon would not endure such, but they walked together, talked among themselves, planned all the events and how they would take place. They believed in their mission, a mission to be liberated.

ii) Education

Education is a powerful tool that can help anyone to do a lot in life pertaining matters of politics, religion, business management, finance, the administration just to name a few. Hence before Africans could attend school and learn how to read and write, they were primitive. But education was an eye opener and wanted to pursue more of it and have opportunities for their children to enjoy better standards of education (Lundy & Mazama, 2014). Thus they learned how to negotiate terms and communicate in the best way possible about their demands. This gave them an upper hand as more opportunities came their way for they had learned how to handle opportunities.

iii) Need for freedom

The policies by racist groups are intolerable to endure. The restrictions the discriminated groups were subjected to were making them fight for some freedom ever when they knew very well that it was so dangerous and life threatening. However, those who believed that it was possible stood by their courage and got involved in the demos that used to be organized.

Areas for further studies

Throughout the study, most of the racism issues and topics discussed have majorly involved the comparison of the events that unfolded between the black Americans and the white Americans and the white Europeans. However, this battle seems to be dominant, yet we also have other ethnic groups that have been mentioned but not discussed. It is not easy to tell whether these groups say the Latinos, the native Hawaiians, and the Italians whether they were also discriminated ethically and if at all they took part in the fight for recognition. Given that these people were under the same colonies, it would be better if their functions or their participation had any impact on what is regarded to as racism. Areas to look at will include their participation in the education system, the military, the politics, the trade activities, the farming culture and also their role in the health system.

These areas of further studies are part and parcel of what can also bring equitable solutions to racism. For example, we need to talk about racism in the strongest terms possible. All ethnic groups need to equally respect and address their counterparts as people with equal privileges. So as to have this virtue strongly infused in everyone’s minds, we thus need to have social studies integrated into the basic level curriculum of education. Whenever there are any appointments especially the state or federal government appointments, they should be done in a manner that all the ethnic groups are equitably represented. Such like appointments include those of public service, for example, the judges and the police. Another way is to completely remove the existence of categorical education centers that promote racial discrimination by admitting particular students from certain ethnic backgrounds.


We have to, therefore, join together and go strongly against racial discrimination and rather advocate for equal treatment. More people will feel the necessity to stop the vice, the state governments are the ones that need to lead in such like awareness programs which would in a way amplify the voice of the vulnerable, disfranchised and underrepresented communities across the globe.


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