Leadership Style Interview for a Company’s Newsletter

Leadership Newsletter Article

LDR/300 Version 6

University of Phoenix Material


[The title or overall description of the newsletter article]

Newsletter Tips

  1. Interview your individual and research any information necessary.

  2. Carefully consider your individual and audience so you offer an article that is engaging and worthwhile.

  3. Create a compelling headline and opening to get your audience’s attention.

  1. Use clear and concise sentences to generate your individual’s leadership profile.

  1. Add any pictures, tables, or graphs that offer insight or clarification for the reader.

  1. Review newsletter template websites for assistance. For example, open your web browser and search for either “smore newletter” or “templates cakemail”.


[A statement that describes the individual, their position, and organization]


[An interpretation of the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and an explanation of an incident in which the individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation – including examples]



[A statement that summarizes your overall message]

Citations (APA)

[References for any citations or additional resources]

Leadership Newsletter Article Template

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