law Q

  • Service over 18 cant be a party to the action

  • Venue

    • County where def lived

    • Country where car crash happened

    • Contract

      • Breached

      • Entered

      • Perfomed

  • Age discrimination employment no discrimination over 40

  • Sec 504 rehab act requires reasonable accomndations to prevent descrimniation

  • Speeh protected

    • Trademark -logo

    • Copyright- book/song

    • Patetn 0new genius desin

  • 14th amendment

    • bill of rights applied to the states

  • needed to obtain a valid warrant

    • supported by probable cause, …. Udner oath or affirmation specifiying with particularity the item to be seized

  • exceptions to the warrant requirement

    • search incident to a lawful arrest

    • has to be a contemporaneous search… has to be there, cant search the next day

  • exergent cricumstances – reasanble likelihood that contraband will be destroyed if there is a delay to get warrant

    • need probable cause…. Gonna flush the weed if we don’t kick donw the door now

  • plain view doctrine

    • see something subject to seizure you can do it

    • must be immediately known that it is subject to seizure

  • someone can consent to a search

    • if policeofficer acts in good faith that the person had the authority to grant consent it is still a valid search

  • 5th amendment- right to attorney before charged with a crime, 6th amendment- aftert the crime

  • crawfrord exception

    • you have a right to confront accusers, if they don’t show their testimony cant be used

    • exception is a 911 tape overcome the violation of the 6th amendment

  • amendments relating to voting

    • 15th

    • 19th

    • 24th

    • 26th

essay questions

  • what crimes can you charged someone with

    • assault

    • battery

    • robbery

  • issue

  • state rule

  • apply the rule to the facts

  • then provide a conclusion