law Q

Lecture Notes 6-27-17

  • Free exercise clause: you can practice whatever religion you’d like

    • Free to practice or not practice any religions you choose

  • 1890 Davis v. Beasie

  • Tuscana v. Watkins

  • Welsh: believe in something, not a god or deity, but something that is morally or ethically guiding.

  • Thomas v. The Review Board: only beliefs rooted in religion are given special protection to the exercise of religion

    • Exceptions: courts cant find a religious belief to be false

    • Cant require religious oaths to get a job in govt entity

    • Private school scenario: if private school gets federal funds then they cant require a religious oath, no federal funding they could require a religious oath

  • Est clause: there will be no state religion, not state of America

  • ******the lemon test: courts use “does this create a preference for religion three parts (1) odes the law have secular purpose (2) does it neither advance nor inhibit religion (3) excessive govt entanglement with religion

  • some holiday displays are permissible as long as you allow access to other religious groups and you don’t provide funding that you wouldn’t provide to another religious group

  • religious land use and institutionalized persons act