CIS 353 Project Requirement and Design Case Study 1

CIS 353 Cast Study 1

  • Case Study 1: Requirement Analysis and Gathering for the State Firefighters Association 

Due Week 3 and worth 110 points

Read the mini case on The State Firefighters Association located in Chapter 3 of the textbook and complete the assignment.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Identify the business problems in this case.

  2. Determine whether to use a traditional or iterative project method (e.g., RAD and Agile) in this case and explain why or why not.

  3. Determine the requirements analysis strategies in this situation and explain why to choose those strategies.

  4. Choose the requirements-gathering techniques in this case and explain their pros and cons.

  5. Choose the requirements documentation techniques and explain their pros and cons.

  6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  1. Compare and contrast requirements gathering among traditional and iterative project methods.

  2. Apply the project requirements steps of eliciting, analyzing, documenting, and testing to address and solve a proposed business problem.

  3. Develop a business requirements document that addresses and solves a proposed business problem.

  4. Use technology and information resources to research issues in procuring and designing project requirements.

  5. Write clearly and concisely about project requirements and design topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

1. Th e State Firefi ghter’s Association has a membership

of 15,000. Th e purpose of the organization is to provide

some fi nancial support to the families of deceased

member fi refi ghters and to organize a conference

each year bringing together fi refi ghters from all over

the state. Members are billed dues and calls annually.

Calls are additional funds required to take care of

payments made to the families of deceased members.

Th e bookkeeping work for the association is handled

by the elected treasurer, Bob Smith, although it is

widely known that his wife, Laura, does all the work.

Bob runs unopposed each year at the election, because

no one wants to take over the tedious and timeconsuming

job of tracking memberships. Bob is paid

a stipend of $8,000 per year, but his wife spends well

over twenty hours per week on the job. Th e organization,

however, is not happy with their performance.

A computer system is used to track the billing and

receipt of funds. Th is system was developed in 1984

by a computer science student and his father. Th e

system is a DOS-based system written using dBase 3.

Th e most immediate problem facing the treasurer and

his wife is the fact that the soft ware package no longer

exists, and there is no one around who knows how to

maintain the system. One query, in particular, takes

seventeen hours to run. Over the years, they have just

avoided running this query, although the information

in it would be quite useful. Questions from members

concerning their statements cannot easily be

answered. Usually Bob or Laura just jots down the

inquiry and returns a call with the answer. Sometimes

it takes three to fi ve hours to fi nd the information

needed to answer the question. Oft en, they have to

perform calculations manually because the system

was not programmed to handle certain types of queries.

When member information is entered into the

system, each fi eld is presented one at a time, which

makes it very diffi cult to return to a fi eld and correct

a value that was entered. Sometimes a new member is

entered but disappears from the records. Th e report

of membership used in the conference materials does

not alphabetize members by city. Only cities are listed

in the correct order.

What requirements analysis strategy or strategies

would you recommend for this situation? Explain

your answer.