Research Paper – Outline


Biblical Basis for Sport Ministry

Calvin Cunningham

Liberty University

Eguizabal, O., & Lawson, K. E. (2009). Leading ministry teams, part I: Theological reflection on ministry teams. ChristianEducationJournal, 6(2),250-264.Retrievedfrom

This article looks to establish the biblical and theological foundation for collaboration and team leadership

for ministry practice. With a specific end goal to comprehend and assess the relevance of a ministry team

approach, chose models of team leadership in both the Old and New Testament are explored. The models

and ideas reviewed show key elements and spiritual principles for leading ministry teams. Scriptures

clearly portray teamwork through practice of loving each other and living in the unity of the Spirt to the

building up of the body of Christ.

Krispin,Keith R.,,Jr. (2017). STRENGTHENING MINISTRY TEAMS: FACILITATING UNITY AND COHESIVENESS. ChristianEducationJournal, 14(1),42-51.Retrievedfrom

The utilization of teams is common in churches and ministry organizations. This article observes one

characteristic of team development: the nature of and empowering of unity within a team. By checking

on both biblical foundation of unity and the social science research on the related concept of

unity, suggestions for ministry leadership are recognized. Also being able to make sure staff and volunteer

teams are setting example within the churches and other Christian ministry organizations.

Sinden, J. L. (2013). The elite sport and Christianity debate: Shifting focus from normative values to the consciousdisregardforhealth. Journal of Religion and Health, 52(1), 335-349. doi:10.1007/s10943-012-9595-8

Research and scholars continue on debating regardless whether or not God’s intended purpose of elite

Sport violates the creational normativity for elite sport. Nevertheless, while it is important to be aware of

Inconsistencies between elite sport and Christianity, there is need for more deep seated discussion about

Emotions and health problems in elite sport and why so many Christian athletes continue to train for their

sport at the expense of their health. The article summaries the present debate regarding elite sport and

Christianity and then shifts reader to an investigation of the normalization of feelings, and the

consequence of feelings suppression on athletes health.

Tucker, T., & Woodbridge, N. (2012). Motivational factors for a sports ministry: A case study of churches inpretoria. HervormdeTeologieseStudies, 68(2),1-7.Retrievedfrom

The purpose of the article examine is to explore church pioneers’ impress of motivational variable for a

sport ministry in place of worship in Pretoria. A study survey was produced by the researchers to examine

sport ministry. The examination consisted of demographic questions and perception questions using a

structured and a semi-structured questionnaire. The outcomes of the survey was assessed by calculating

the significance of each motivational factor for a sport ministry in church, as perceived by the

respondents. Participants were recruited from 32 church leaders from wide diversity of denominational

and cultural backgrounds in Pretoria.

Watson, N. (2011). Theological and psychological reflections on identity in sport. Journal of Religion and PopularCulture, 23(2),182-200.Retrievedfrom

This article examines “athletic identity” from a Christian religious and mental viewpoint. In discussion

the idea of identity within the sports world, the author address a range of related issues such as idolatry,

sin, and states of heart such a pride and humility. According to Phil Night, founder and chairperson of

Nike, sports “define the culture of the world” and thus and examines of social context in which identity is

formed is also presented. Areas for upcoming research are provided in the assumption for instance,

reflections on identity for sportsperson with physical and intellectual disabilities.